7- Gossips

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Taehyung wakes up to the sound of someone showering. He shifts position as he feels uncomfortable on the sofa. He blinks a few times before fully opening his eyes. He stands up and looks around him. There is a feeling of déjà vu. There is no light inside the room. He looks on his right to find undone bed sheets. Suddenly, the sounds coming from the showers stop and Taehyung quickly stands up. Soon, Jungkook exits the bathroom wearing only sweatpants. He stands half naked in front of a confused Taehyung. The elder's eyes widen as he sees the younger's face.

"Oh you're awake," Jungkook says as dries his hair with a towel.

Taehyung tries to remember what may have happened yesterday but as always his memory is too short and too tangled. He starts massaging his temples for the ache to go away. Jungkook, seeing that the elder is in pain, offers him a glass of water.


Taehyung looks up at Jungkook before taking the glass and drinking the fresh water, which somehow eased the pain in his head. Once he is done, Taehyung notices that he feels light in his clothes and he realizes then that these are not his clothes. Out of anger, he pushes Jungkook on the bed behind him.

"What have you done to me ?" he yells.

Jungkook sits up and sighs.

"That's not how you thank someone who helped you with your drunk state."

Taehyung tilts his head in confusion.

"You don't remember anything?"

Taehyung scratches the back of his neck in embarrassment. He indeed remembers nothing, except the fact that he went to Namjoon's bar. Jungkook has a little smirk as he approaches Taehyung. His lips are an inch apart from Taehyung's ears.

"You have a sexy butt," the words tickles Taehyung's ears who steps away,

"You- !"

Jungkook shuts Taehyung by putting his hand on the elder's mouth.

"Don't worry, I didn't do anything. I just cleaned you up because you reeked of alcohol,"

Jungkook removes his hand from Taehyung's mouth. The elder looks at Jungkook suspiciously but then he realizes that if the younger had done something, he should have a real pain in his lower body by now, which is not the case. He sees his phone on the coffee table and picks it up. Fortunately, today is Saturday so he doesn't have any work.

"Oh, your friend...I think his name is Jimin. He called yesterday,"

Taehyung quickly texts his friend saying that he is fine.

TH : I'm fine

JM : Man, I was dead worried yesterday. After the news, I couldn't reach you at all.

TH : I wanted to be alone.

JM : I understand. Anyway, who is that guy who answered your phone yesterday?

Taehyung looks at Jungkook getting dressed. He is wearing a black shirt and a clear blue ripped jeans. Jungkook who sensed Taehyung's stare on him, rises a brow. Taehyung turns back his gaze to his phone.

TH : I'll explain you later,

He locks his phone and plays with his phone in his hand.

"When do you plan to leave? I have work," Jungkook says as he puts his camera in his bag.

Taehyung is flustered.

"I will leave right now. Who will stay longer in such cramped place?"

Jungkook chuckles hearing Taehyung comments. He approaches the elder and stands very closely in front of him.

"Clothes. Don't forget to return them. Put the keys under the carpet and leave,"

He steps away and leaves the place. Taehyung is confused and dumbfounded. He finds his clothes folded on the coffee table. Jungkook must have folded them, he thinks as he dresses up. Before leaving, he turns back. He thinks he could have said thank you but he won't lower his pride for someone who calls him unprofessional. Once he gets back home, he feels a huge emotion of emptiness hitting him. He doesn't know what do to anymore. He has no more job at the company and he has to keep doing this tiring modeling job. He doesn't hate it but it is not his goal. He is so lost in his life and he wants to escape everything, go far away. That is when he remembers Jungkook's small flat. Even though it was small, there was some sort of warmth and he finds it weird that he is lingering for that warmth once again.

Monday has come and Taehyung is now getting his makeup done. He feels so empty and frustrated at the same time. He should be in his office working and meeting clients but here he is posing for an unknown brand. He has no motivation at all and he'd rather spend the whole day staying at home doing nothing.

"Done," the makeup artist says.

He stands up, checks his face and exits. His eyes met a pair of familiar brown eyes. Jeon Jungkook. He feels his body tensing and warming. He wonders why is he present at every photo shoot. Well, he knows it is because he is a cameraman and it is normal. Still, why it must be him?

He stands in the middle and quickly takes a pose because he feels like the younger may capture him at any moment. He doesn't want to be surprised anymore. But, Jungkook stays still with his camera by his side and doesn't move at all. Taehyung notices that there is a bruise on the corner of his lips, which looks slightly swollen. He feels sorry but he thinks that the younger deserve it for being rude towards him.

"It's so weird that he agreed to work again with Jeon," a member of the staff says

"It's because he no longer works at Kim Corporation,"

"Oh really ?"

"Haven't you heard the news? He has been fired by his own brother. So funny."

Taehyung can hear everything. He clenches his fist. What he feared the most is happening. People starts looking down at him, he can sense at the way the look at him and treats him. He wants to disappear for good.

"Can those people in the back shut up or leave? You are a real nuisance,"Jungkook shouts.

Taehyung lifts his head. Jungkook' s lips are in the shape of a thin line and his brows are knitted together as he stares back at Taehyung. All of sudden, Taehyung's heart skips a beat and tears forms in the corner of his eyes. He wonders why it hurts so much.

"Captured," Jungkook says with a smirk plastered on his face.


Should I start putting titles for my chapters?

Capture (Taekook)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin