16- Betrayal

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Every week Taehyung has to go through the hard work out routine of Jungkook. He stands in front of the mirror and looks at himself. His body structure definitely changed. He has broad shoulders. His chest and abs are toned and firm. His thighs are less flabby and are thicker. He sees a whole new him in the mirror. His face looks a lot healthier than before since he doesn't drinking too much lately. A smile is drawn on his lips as he admires himself. He brings his hand to his jaw and takes a closer look at his face.

" Handsome, " he says.

" Not yet, " a voice says behind him.

He turns around to see Jungkook coming out of the shower, with a towel around his waist. His front hair is wet, little droplets of water are falling on his face. Taehyung gulps down at the sight.

Jungkook approaches Taehyung and stands behind him. He makes him face the mirror then puts his hands on Taehyung's waist. He draws the lines of his waist with his fingers. Taehyung feels ticklish and wriggles out of his hands but ends up against his chest. Jungkook's hands are remaining on Taehyung's waist but are not moving. There is a silence before Jungkook hands disappear from his waist.

" Your waist is too small, "

Taehyung feels hot. He needs some fresh air. He quickly moves towards the window and opens it. The street under is busy with cars and people running to catch the last train. The sky is dark with not a single stars on it, the lights coming from the building replace the stars.

" Is shrimp pasta all right? "

Taehyung closes the window and watches Jungkook, behind the kitchen counter opening a bag of pasta.

" Yes, "

He sits at the counter and focuses on his phone screen, instead of Jungkook half naked body. He is only wearing black sweatpants and Taehyung wonders why he doesn't wear anything else, as for instance a tee-shirt. It becomes difficult for Taehyung to not tear his gaze away from the younger's body. Soon, the food is ready and Jungkook puts two plates filled with food on the counter. He then joins the elder and sits beside him. Taehyung takes a bit of the dish and hums.

" You should have become a cook, " Jungkook chuckles before eating.

Once they are done eating, Taehyung moves to the sofa and turns on the TV. There is some random awards show and he watches it blankly. Suddenly, Jungkook's phone rings. Taehyung witness Jungkook looking at the dialer then frowning. The younger leaves the kitchen and moves towards the bedroom. His curiosity takes over and he hides next to the bedroom door.

" So what if she is coming back? That's not my business, "

" I'm in charge of someone else and I don't to be involved with her anymore, goodbye, "

Taehyung hears Jungkook sighing. He quickly goes back to the sofa and acts as if nothing happened. Jungkook sits next to him and stares at his phone.

" Are you all right? " Taehyung asks, concerned.

" Yes, "

Taehyung can clearly see that Jungkook is not fine, he wants to help him but he doesn't know the right words.

" Anyway, tomorrow I won't come with you to the gym, I have a photo shoot just after yours, "

Taehyung simply nods.

" I'm tired, I'm going first, " Jungkook says as he heads towards the bedroom.

It's been four days since Jungkook lives in Taehyung's house. It is all because of Taehyung, who broke the rules by eating junk foods. To keep an eye on him Jungkook's has decided to spend a week taking care of his diet. It's only the fourth day and Taehyung feels that Jungkook knows more about him than him about Jungkook. The younger would never speak about him. Taehyung turns off the television and enters his bedroom to find Jungkook sleeping. Taehyung turns off the lights and lies next to the younger, carefully not crossing the line of pillows Jungkook has made. Taehyung remembers that the first-day Jungkook slept on his bed, he founds himself hugging him the younger and it bothered him a lot Taehyung turns on the bed and faces Jungkook's bare back.

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