14- Small city, big heart

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This is similar  Jungkook's place, it is quite similar to Japanese style apartment

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This is similar Jungkook's place, it is quite similar to Japanese style apartment. I'll show you Taehyung's place on the next chapter

Taehyung enters his apartment with a grin plastered on his face. The sensation of Jungkook's lips is still alive on his lips. It feels unreal. That kiss was different from the previous ones, it wasn't a sloppy or passionate kiss, just simply soft and delicate. It was like eating cotton candy.


"Stop crying,"

Taehyung zones out when Jungkook is talking to him. He doesn't understand what was actually happening. All of sudden, he pinches himself.

"Ouch," he says. It wasn't a dream.

He looks at Jungkook who has a serious expression.

"Are you listening?"

Taehyung simply nods. The sky is pitch dark and there is not a single person on the streets.

"Tomorrow," Jungkook starts.

Taehyung looks up. Even though it is dark, he can still see all of Jungkook's features, even the little scar on his cheek.

"Come to my place at 5 am"

End of flashback

Once he washes, he lies on his bed. He keeps replaying the scene of Jungkook kissing him and soon drifts off to sleep.

Taehyung wonders why Jungkook wants to meet him this early in the morning. He stands in front of the younger's apartment's door while chewing on his lower lip nervously. His heart is beating very loudly and he puts a hand over his chest, hoping it will calm down. He can't let the younger hearing it, he will probably make fun of him. The door opens itself, revealing a Jungkook wearing a black hoodie and a black sweatpant.

Does he only have black clothes? Taehyung thinks, scanning him from head to toe.

"What are you looking at?" Jungkook asks a little bit irritated by Taehyung judging face.

The tone of the younger's voice makes Taehyung body tense. He simply shakes his head and looks away. The sun has not yet risen and the sky is painted in a shade of dark blue.

"Are you sure you'll be fine with these clothes ?" Jungkook questions as they walk to Jungkook's car.

"What's wrong with my clothes?" Taehyung asks, sounding disturbed by the younger's question.

Jungkook ignores him and unlocks the doors with his car key. He sits on the driver's seat and gestures to Taehyung to take the passenger seat next to him. Jungkook starts the engine then checks the rear window before driving away.

"Where are we going?" Taehyung feels a little bit sleepy since he is not the type to wake up this early.

Instead of answering Taehyung's question he simply turns on the music. The music fills the car and, not being very fond of music, Taehyung stares at the window blankly. He pays attention to the differents directional boards and tries to guess where they could be heading to. Soon, the car pulls up in front of an entrance of a forest. Jungkook exits the car and Taehyung does the same. He looks around him but there are only trees and one single path. He quickly follows Jungkook who clearly knows the way.

After walking for what seems like an hour, Taehyung sees a hill in front of him. He stops walking while Jungkook climbs up the hill. He looks down at his leather shoes, now covered in mud. He sighs heavily which makes the younger looks at him.

"Hurry up we don't have the time," he says,

"Try to put yourself in my shoes and we'll see," Taehyung mutters.

"Did you say something?"

Taehyung climbs up the hill carefully, trying to not fall backwards. Yet he manages to miss a step and he is about to fall when suddenly one strong arm catch him quickly by the waist and pulls him towards him. Their bodies are really close and Taehyung feels his body tensing.

I should be used to it by now.

Quickly, Jungkook lets go of Taehyung's waist and walks towards the end of the hill. Taehyung looks at the view. It is a breathtaking view with the city looking so small and the sky being so wide. Taehyung stands next to Jungkook and they both witness the sun rising. Sunrays are slowly spreading in the sky making the darkness disappear. Taehyung is unaware of the tears escaping his eyes, he is only brought back to reality when he hears the sound coming from Jungkook camera's shutter.

"Why did you bring me here? " Taehyungs asks.

Jungkook moves closer to Jungkook and shows him the pictures he had taken of Taehyung. His face was steady and expressed admiration but his eyes were crying.

"For this,"

Taehyung keeps on looking at the picture. The person in this photo is a different Kim Taehyung, one that is not arrogant or proud. This Kim Taehyung looks peaceful and real.He never thought that he can actually express this type of feeling.

"You are quite different from the others," Jungkooks speaks.

"Are you making fun of me?"

Jungkook chuckles and shakes his head.

"It's a compliment. You may look proud and all but in fact you are just like a kid who hasn't graduated middle school,"

Taehyung frowns.

"Are you sure you are not dissing me right now?"

"Taehyung-sshi, that is your good side. The you that you show to people and the you inside you are different. It is your weapon,"

" My weapon?"

Jungkook smirks and Taehyung starts to understand what the younger means. Taehyung faces the bright sun and after taking a deep breath, he yells :

" Kim Taehyung you will become successful and prove your father and brother that they are wrong !"

He turns to look at Jungkook who smiles widely at him while showing his teeth. It is the first time Taehyung sees the younger smiling and it without realizing it, he smiles back to him.

On the drive back home, Taehyung keeps looking at the photo and accidentally he presses a button that switches to another picture. It is one showing a woman leaning on a balcony railing, wearing a beige summer dress and a cardigan. She is smiling while holding someone's hand. Taehyung glances at Jungkook before zooming onto the hand and he notices that the hand is Jungkook's hand because of the ring on which it is written "JK x KM", it is the same one he is wearing right now.



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