"I have to tell you something, but I don't know how to say it." The girl finally spoke and I sat down beside her on the couch. I had something I needed to tell her as well, but I'm gonna let her say hers first just in case mine is worse.

"Just say it." I encouraged.

Mya sighed and turned towards me. I immediately notice the hickey's on her neck. Yes! She fucked up too. Wait.

"What is that on your neck?" I asked the girl, even though I already knew the answer to my question, and her face turned red.

"Would you believe me if I said it was a rash?" The girl asked and I stale faced her.

"Would you believe me if I said I can shoot rainbows out of my ass?" I asked.

Mya didn't respond.

"Just tell me what's up." I told the girl because I honestly wasn't even mad. I should have been, but I honestly didn't care. I don't know why I didn't. I just didn't.

"The last week and a half, I've been spending time with my ex. As you already know, our break up was complicated and I never really got over her. I didn't expect her to come back into my life so soon. I didn't expect it at all." The girl confessed and I couldn't stop the laughter from leaving my mouth.

"Wow." I chuckled. I winced right after because of my stitches.

"What happened to your mouth?" The girl asked with a frown and I scoffed.

"It doesn't even matter."

I got up from the couch.

"I'm sorry, Jayla." The girl said standing up too.

"Don't even trip. I fucked up too." I admitted.

"What?" The girl asked looking confused.

"I didn't go as far as fucking my ex, but I did kiss someone else. I regretted it right after and that's sort of how I got my mouth fucked up, but now I don't even feel bad about it." I shrugged.

"I don't know what else to say. I'm sorry for going behind your back, but I'm in love with her." The girl admitted and I just shrugged again.

"You should have told me you were hung up on your ex from the jump. I wouldn't have wasted my time."

Mya frowned at me.

"I already told you I didn't expect her to come back. I wanted to move on and I actually liked you."

I scoffed.

"Damn, it's past tense already?"

I literally felt nothing at that moment. I wasn't mad or sad. I can honestly say I didn't give a fuck. It sort of worried me because I really did like Mya. Why didn't I care that she was choosing her ex over me?

"There's no need for us to go back and forth about this. We both fucked up so we obviously didn't like each other as much as we thought we did." The girl spoke getting an attitude.

"Don't get a fucking attitude with me because you went off and did the exact shit you were afraid of me doing." I spoke with a finger in the girl's face. "You gave me hell about my past like you were perfect, but really, you're just as much of a hoe as you accused me of being. But I'm not even mad. Go be with the bitch that hurt you. Stupid ass girl."

I was walking away from the girl when she pushed me causing me to stumble forward.

"Mya." I said in a warning tone. I really wasn't trying to fight this girl. I couldn't bring myself to hit her anyway.

Sex, Love, and Basketball *Books 1 and 2* (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now