OTP Questions..?

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Huh, I'm doing one of these. You can tell I'm running out of ideas.

I have a request but I'm so unsure about it and nervous.

Sooooo why not do these because I can't find any good OTP prompts and I have no ideas.

Les do dis.

1. Who's the most affectionate?
Oh shit. I've never done this for this ship and it's already harder than TomTord. Uhhhhh- I don't know they're both pretty affectionate and kind of clung to each other at all times.

2. Big spoon/little spoon?
I'm guessing this means top and bottom? Tim is top (except for in the reverse and Mattsworld AUs) and Torc is the bottom (except for the AUs mentioned before)

3. Most common argument?
They don't fight a lot, but it's silly arguments over who loves the other more.

4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
How dare you think they would have a favorite sexual activity..... actually, I should shut up, I made them a son so I guess they do a few sexual activities here and there. Anyways, not the point. They cuddle. Like a lot. That's their favorite thing, they don't like to be away from the other.

5. What is their favorite feature of their partner's?
Tim's favorite feature about Torc is probably his glasses, since they make him look like a nerd.
Tord's favorite feature about Tim is his hair, since it's soft and he likes to run his fingers though it. He also thinks it looks cool dyed like it is.

6. What's the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
They both become exTREMLY awkward around the other and they kind of melt if the other's name is even mentioned. They're just so fucking love struck for each other.

7. Who worries the most?
They both do, but Tim, I guess, since Torc is a small innocent bean who needs to be protected.

8. Who initiates kisses?
Usually Tim, for some reason.

9. Who reaches for the other's hand first?
Torc. Defiantly Torc.

10. Who kisses the hardest?
Oh fuck they're supposed to be an innocent ship like EddMatt-
Uhhh I guess Tim because he's the top.

11. Who wakes up first?
Usually Tim because he's used to waking up to go to his college classes or to work. Torc wakes up a few minutes after him, always, though.

12. Who steals the whole fucking blanket in the middle of the night and leaves the other without any?
Tim does because Torc's used to the cold. But he always wakes up right when Tim does that and stares into the darkness like 'really' and will spend the next hour or so trying to get the blanket back. He usually fails and will just sleep on top of Tim at that point.

13. Which one is always stunning their toe and screaming about it?
Tim. Because he rushes around the house like fucking sonic and doesn't pay attention to where he's going. He's ran Torc down a from times from this.

14. Who crashed the car and made the other pick them up at 3AM?
Neither because they're both careful. But I can imagine Tim driving a drunk Tom home and crashing because of being distracted by his bro being a complete fool and Torc has to pick them up and he just looks sooooo pissed.

15. Which one likes to get up in the middle of the night and (loudly) make themselves a snack?
Pfft Tim would do this. And Torc gets up, wondering what the fuck is happening, walks into the kitchen, flicks the lights on and, low and behold, his boyfriend standing there in a tank top and boxers pouring chips into a bowl, now frozen and eyes white in shock. Torc finds this hilarious when it happens.

16. Which one insists upon buying unheard-of health foods?
Torc. Because he's cannoningly (from the mouth of his creator) a vegan so he would buy some weird shit while Tim looks at him like 'are you ok, this sounds like poison'.

17. Who is always suggesting that they get a pet?
Torc, while Tim is like 'WERE TOO BUSY TO TAKE CARE OF A PET THO-'

18. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
Tim, probably, since he likes dancing. Especially slow dancing. And dipping Torc is, like, one of his favorite things to do, for some reason.

19. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
Torc is because he had to cook for Tord and him when they lived back in Norway and their parents were always so busy.

20. Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
'Babe, did it hurt when you fell for me?'
'Timothy I swear to god-'

21. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other's ear during inappropriate times?

22. Who needs more assurance?
Torc. I see the bean as having very slight depression and thinking he's not good enough for Tim. Tim just hugs him and tells him he's perfect and that he should never change and that he loves him to death.

23. What would be their theme song?
'Tis Paris by The Chainsmokers.

24. What do they do when they're away from each other?
Tim always talks about Torc. Like, he'll constantly say 'if Torc was here...' or 'Torc would have loved this...' to the point of Tom getting so posed off if he's with him and tells him to shut his trap about his boyfriend.
Torc mostly just groans and wishes he was with Tim. Tord feels bad for him when that happens.

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