High School Broken Heart

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(The prompt for this shot was given to me by SpringBonnieRenewed! I wanted to write a bit of fluff so... since they kept the ending open, I decided to make this feels shot have a nice ending. Hope you didn't mind that too much, Spring. Thanks for the prompt!

Requests are still open, keep in mind! I'll try to get shots out normally, but I would love to have requests. Though, keep in mind that they will take a bit to write. This is because of mid-terms are coming up for me and those mean a lot in high school so I gotta focus on them. But I'll still work on them.)

Torc and Tim were completely different when you first looked at them. Tim was a popular kid thanks to his older brother hanging around a group of popular kids, while Torc stayed quiet and forgotten, only having a small group of friends. But, really, the two weren't very different. They were both considered geeks or nerds and payed attention in school. The only true thing that divided them was one following his brother and the other staying normal.
   The two didn't even know about each other until one day, at lunch. They both had second lunch at their high school and were waiting in the long line for crappy school food, Tim cursing under his breath that he should have grabbed his wallet like one of Tom's buddies said for him to and not ignore him.

   Tim was an artist at the school and took a lot of art courses, wanting to get a college degree in the subject. He was a natural with any sort of medium, and the teachers and staff would normally hire him to paint murals around the school or design posters.
Torc was standing in line and looking around, bored, when he spotted one of Tim's advertising an upcoming school dance. Torc pushes his glasses up his face a bit, narrowing his eyes to see the signature on the corner of the artwork. He could actually read cursive, unlike most other sophomores there, and made out the name 'Timothy Spaventa'. He remembered that kid's name from the first day of school, he had a class with him. He remembered the name being called out and a tall guy from the front of the classroom tiredly had raised his hand, mumbling something about just calling him Tim. Torc looked ahead at the guy standing in front of him and almost froze. He recognized Tim from the black he could see out of the corner of his eye that he could see and the dyed hair that waved off to the side. Torc gulped nervously before tapping his shoulder. Tim turned around and looked at him.
"Hm? What is it?" He blinked. Torc blushed in embarrassment before shyly pointing to the poster.
"D-did you draw that?" He stuttered our. Tim smiled a bit and nodded.
"Yeah. I normally do that for the school, do posters and stuff like that." He shrugged. Torc nodded a bit.
   "Well... it's good." Torc commented. Tim smiled a bit more.
   "Aw... shucks... Thanks." He mumbled. Torc giggled.

   After a few months of school had passed for the two, they seemed to be pretty close. They would always sit together instead of Tim sitting with his brother and his group of friends, and they found that they had a lot in common. They stuck up for each other and, hell, Torc even grew a crush on Tim. He didn't know why; maybe it was because he was cool and the only person who really was there for Torc. He would just shrug it off as a silly school-boy crush, though.
   Until one day, that is. Torc was online on his main social media site one day after school, doing his normal thing of replying to comments and scrolling though posts, when he got a strange message from an anonymous user on the site. They explained that they went to high school with Torc and even knew who he liked. Torc was a bit worried at first, but when asking the person further, they said that Tim liked him back, and they knew it for a fact, probably because they were close to him. Torc imminently thanked the person and ignored the fact that it might be a troll or something else.
   The next day at school, Torc met Tim by his locker before class started and asked him out. Tim imminently agreed, despite Torc's nervousness, and the two started dating.
   After a month of that, Torc was contacted by the anonymous user. He didn't know why, but suddenly, the person seemed to turn on him and started to cyber bully him. Torc was a fragile kind of guy who has been bullied before, so this didn't do him so well. He was way too scared to tell anyone, not even Tim, who he started to push away, even if he loved him.
  Then, suddenly, the messages stopped.

  Torc didn't get anymore messages from the user. Nothing. They seemed to be deactivated or never online anymore. The norski was pretty happy that this happened, but when he went to tell Tim everything that has been going on, Tim didn't seem to want to talk to him. Torc thought he had had a bad day and that he needed space, but no.
   Tim seemed more distant after that. Never talking to Torc and flat or ignoring him. He would just tell him to leave him alone if he ever said a word to the smaller male.
   After a week, the two silently broke up.

  But, that was back in sophomore year. Tord, Torc's older brother, had tried to help Torc move on, but he didn't succeed. Torc just stayed even more quiet, scared to talk to anyone anymore. Torc was in senior year now, nearing graduation. Tord has told him to just go talk to Tim for once, ask him what happened or something like that. And Torc took his brother's advice for once.
   He met Tim by his locker, like before. The tall Brit seemed to have change over the two years of them being apart. He seemed a lot more sluggish and tired, not wanting to do anything anymore. He didn't seem to ever sleep, expect for him class sometimes, and stopped even trying. He knew he would have to retake some classes, for he was failing them.
   Torc asked him what happened when Tim had went to him. He apologized for everything, explaining what had happened two years ago. The Brit sighed, looking at Torc to make sure he wasn't lying. He could see truth still in his eyes, as well as determination. But determination for what, he asked himself?
   Tim mumbled hat it was ok. Torc hugged him. Tim stayed frozen, looking down at Torc. The norski backed away, mumbling 'I can fix this...' to him. Tim nodded a bit. Torc smiled.
  "I promise, ok? I'll fix us." He had told Tim.
   And, for once, the Brit had smiled and nodded.

Tim x Torc OneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz