Reverse AU

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(Man I love this au. Only difference here is their personalities are different and, Torc may still be smol, but he's a lot more dominant and protective. I also decided that Tom and Tim are twins in this AU (even if Tom is playing Paul's role) and Torc is older than Tord by two years. So they're a year apart in age.

Small backstory before we start: Tord, Paul, and Pat were captured by Green Leader (aka Edd) and Tom decided to help them escape after getting attached to Tord. Tim decided to help and run away with them. It's a few weeks since they escaped and Tom and Tim are hiding from the Green Army in Tord's apartment.)

"Lame." Tim broke the silence in the small apartment suddenly with a single word.
"Hey, that's Paul's line." Tord spoke up from the couch, giggling a little bit. Tim laughed.
"I didn't know that. Tom used to say that a whole lot when we were kids."
"Got that right." The normally quiet soldier spoke up, who was sitting next to Tord. Tim, meanwhile, sat backwards in a seat at the small kitchen table in the apartment they were staying at.
    "Didn't know that. That's strange." Tord commented and shrugged, looking at his phone for a moment encore gasping and standing up. Tom looked at him confused, as well as Tim.
   "What is it?" Tim asked, anticipation filling his voice.
   "My brother just texted me. He's apparently coming over!" Tord squeaked, stars in his eyes. The twin soldiers gave eachother confused looks, both wondering why Tord was freaking out this much.
   "I didn't know you had a brother." Tom finally spoke up, adjusting the bandages wrapped around one of his eyes.
   "I do. He's my older bro." Tord stated, smiling. Tom smiled a little bit at this and Tim chuckled.
   "Wow, and I thought you were peppy enough." Tim stated at Tord, who hugged and gave him a slight glare before there was a knock at the door. Tord raced to it to open it.
   "That was fast..." Tom mumbled under his breath. Tim, somehow, heard him and nodded, agreeing with him.

After a few moments of Tord talking to someone on the other side of the doorway, he eventually walked behind the couch, someone following after him. He was slightly taller than Tord, but not that much, and had a dark red sweater on over a white t shirt. His, seemingly broken, glasses were sliding off his nose, and his red eyes were cold and hard, always glaring. Tim gulped a little bit. Sure, he had seen some mean figures while in the Green Army, but nothing like him. Tom's don't seem intimidated, though, as he was waving a little bit at the man.
"Tom, Tim, meet my brother, Torc." Tord smiled a little bit and the male behind him waved gently.
"'Sup?" His voice had a slight Norwegian accent, like Tord had but less evident.
"Hi." Tim waved a little bit at Torc, smiling. Torc looked over at Tim, almost studying him. His eyes narrowed a little bit, adding to their glaring effect. Tim gulped and tugged a little bit at the green turtle neck of the sweater he was wearing, trying to advert his eyes. Eventually, Torc gave up and looked back at his brother, smiling a little bit. If you could call it a smile; it looked more like a smirk.

   After a few hours of Torc staying there, the two soldiers knew him pretty well. They knew he just got back from Norway and that he wanted to help out with the whole Green Army sititaution with Tim and Tom on the run. He told a few jokes, mostly dark and sexual ones that Tim and Tord didn't get, but Tom laughed at every one of them. Another note, he kept looking over to Tim every now and then, but only for a few moments before, almost nervously, looking away.

   "I should be going." Torc suddenly got up, off of the couch.
   "What? It's, like, eleven at night. You should stay." Tord stated at his brother, seeing the tired look in his eyes. "I don't want you driving while tired."
   Torc yawned. "Yeah, alright. I'll take the couch."
   "I'll sleep on the floor, then." Tom stated and Tord shook his head.
   "You can sleep with me if you want. The floor is hard to sleep on."
   "I agree with Tord. You wouldn't be able to sleep." Tim spoke from personal experience, since he slept on the floor every night. He was now sitting on the floor in front of the couch, resting his arm on his pillow.
   "... fine." Tom looked away from the group for a moment,and Tim noticed he was blushing. Tim laughed at this, but didn't explain it to the group, as Tom and Tord walked off to Tord's bedroom down the hall. Tim layed down on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. Torc turned off the light and layed stomach-down on the couch, looking down at Tim.
   "You look uncomfortable."
   "I'm really not." Tim shrugged. He still hadn't fallen asleep thirty minutes later, he just stared up at Torc, since he was still looking down at him. The norski let out a husky chuckle.
   "Aw come on. It's gotta be bad down there."
   "Eh, I guess." Tim shrugged again and Torc shifted over, losing Tim's sight.
   "Come up here. There's room." Tim hears Torc's voice. The Brit chuckled a little bit and got up, sitting next to Torc, who was cuddled against the back of the couch. He slowly layed down, pulling his own blanket around him.
   "Thanks." Tim smiled a little bit. Torc shifted and turned around, looking at Tim.
   "No problem." He stated. Tim nodded and closed his eyes, trying to sleep, when he felt an arm go across his chest. He opened one eye and looked at Torc, who was now cuddled against him. He blushed a little bit.
   "What are you doing, exactly...?" He asked.
   "It's cold, ok?"
   "Fine..." Tim giggled. "No homo though."
   "Whatever." Torc replied before drifting off to sleep. Tim giggled again and closed his eyes, falling asleep as well.

(Sorry if there were any mistakes. I had a whole lot of fun with this au. I want to draw these two now.)

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