First Date

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(Not requested by anyone. TomTord is in here, too)

Tim paced back and forth, nervously tugging at his collar here and there. He couldn't help but be shaky. His older brother, Tom, watched him with narrowed eyes as the Brit paced back and forth in front of him.
"Calm the f down."
"I can't!"
"Why? It's just a date. Calm down."
"Well, it's my first date with Torc. How the hell am I supposed to do this?!" Tom stood up and paced a hand on Tim's shoulder and gave him a small smile.
"It's gonna be fine, trust me. Plus, I'll be there. If you get nervous, ask me for advice."
"Alright...." Tim coughed slightly and smiled back at his brother as a knock on their front door sounded.
   "..... I'll go get it." Tom responded and walked towards the door as Tim followed behind him. The older Brit opened the front door and smiled at who was on the other side. It was his boyfriend, Tord, smiling down at Tom.
   "Hello there, kjaerlighet." Tord purred and kissed Tom's cheek. Tim dodged the two lovebirds to the nervous little norski behind Tord. It was his own date, Torc, the shy Norwegian that was Tord's younger brother and ran a coffee shop with Tim himself. The Brit smiled down at the short man, who grinned softly and looked away, pressing his glasses up.

   "Hey..." Torc spoke up in a soft voice, which was kind of unlike him to do, and Tim chuckled.
   "Hey there." Torc opened his mouth to say something else before Tord cut him off.
   "Well? Are we going to go on this double date or not?" Tord asked and Tim and Torc nodded before the four made their way to Tord's red car, parked in front of the house.

It had been a few hours since the two couples had arrived at the restaurant they decided on going to for the date, and Tim and Torc were being pretty awkward. Meanwhile, their older brother's were having no trouble at all flirting with eachother and sneaking kisses at eachother. Tim felt slightly jealous that the two knew how to do this correctly, but it didn't show. Once the four decided to leave, Tom and Tord walked ahead of Torc and Tim, holding eachother's hand and laughing during their hushed conversation. This left their younger brothers behind in the awkward dust of silence.

"That was... nice." Tim blurted out and Torc nodded. He then stopped walking and looked around.
"I live near here.... I'm gonna walk home." He said, mostly focusing it to his brother, who waved a hand in the air as to say 'alright, you can leave'. Torc nodded softly and started walking down the sidewalk until Tim ran up to his side and walked by his side.
"I uh... wanted to walk you home. It's the least I can do for my boyfriend." Tim said shakily and saw Torc stiffen at the last word. "S-sorry! Too soon?" He asked, but Torc stayed silent until they reached his apartment buildings. Tim followed Torc up to his own apartment and watched him unlock the door, entering the small home. Tim standed in the doorway and Torc entered, until the norski waved his hand in the air to let him in. The Brit instantly strolled into the apartment, closing the door behind him, and shoving his hands into his jean's pockets.

"Nice place."
"Thanks. Tord and I have a habit of keeping our houses clean." Tim just chucked and stood behind the couch. Torc looked at him awkwardly for a moment before walking over to the kitchen. Tim let out another chuckle, which was slightly broken, and sat down on the floor, his back against the couch. He had always been an extremely emotional person, so it was no surprise that he buried his face into his knees and started crying softly. Torc instantly noticed this and ran towards him, kneeling next to him.

"Tim?! What's wrong?!"
"I'm... I'm sorry..."
"I'm sorry for being so awkward around you.... you prosbly didn't have a good time at all.... I'm guessing you want to call this off, huh?" Tim said through his slight sobs. Torc side hugged him.
"No.... I had a good time, even if we were awkward. And I meant what I said. I like you, a lot. I don't want to call this off. Everyone's first date is awkward." Torc muttered loud enough for Tim to hear and cuddled him. The taller male wiped the tears from his black eyes and hugged Torc close, smiling softly.
"Thanks.... and, I know it may be early, but I love you." Tim said.
"You're welcome. And I love you too." Torc smiled and kissed him for a moment before pulling back and giggling at Tim's right red face. "You dork."
"Hey! You're a dork too."
"Mhm. Your dork." Torc giggled again and stayed in his cuddle position with Tim.

(I know it was bad, I have writer's block rn)

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