Typo switch AU

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(This was requested by TammyTamTamara. The funny thing is that they requested this and this was an actual AU I made a while back. Ask Tommo.

What happens in the AU is that the typo bros switch with their normal brothers. So Ded, Miles, Tim, and Torc live together. They mostly have the personalities of their brothers, but with very slight ties to their classic personality.

So enjoy-

For those of you who read my TomTord oneshots book, this may be similar to the storms and fluff shot I did a while back. I just headcannon that Tom has a fear of thunder, so here, Tim would have that trait.)

    Tim huffed a bit as he sat on the couch, staring at the tv. Sure, it was completely static, but he had nothing better to do. His guitar was broken again and he didn't have any alcohol. He didn't dare step a foot outside, there was a huge thunderstorm out there. Miles was gone, probably hanging out with his boyfriend, Paolo. Meanwhile, Ded was upstairs drawing. He has no idea where Torc was. Well, until the norski decided to sneak up behind him.
   "Hey, Jehovah." He heard the slight Norwegian accent come from behind him. He turned around quickly and his eyes narrowed.
   "What do you want, commie?" He spat at the norski. Torc looked like that didn't effect him at all. His red eyes were half lidded as he sat down on the couch next to Tim. Tim watched him as he looked at the tv screen and laughed.
    "Seriously? You have nothing better to do?"
    "Nah, this is my favorite episode." Tim joked. Torc laughed again.
    "And I thought I was the insane one here."

A moment of silence crossed the two enemies as they sat there. Suddenly, from outside, there was a loud crash of thunder after a lightning bolt lit up the sky. Tim jumped in his seat, his eyes turning ghostly white. Torc watched him with a sly smirk.
"What was that even...?"
"SHUT!" Tim screeched, his voice cracking loudly as thunder filled the house again. Torc covered his ears.
    "That was like nails on a chalkboard! My lord!" Torc screamed and slowly put his hands down as Tim just stayed standing. "Uh, Jehovah?"
   "... what?"
   "Are you... scared of thunder?"
   "Maybe." Torc huffed at this response and patted the seat next to him. Tim looked at Torc, confused.
    "Shush. Tord used to be scared of thunder, too. I know what to do." Torc mumbled. Tim nodded and slowly sat down. Torc scooted up to the taller Brit and hugged him close, making him fall over and land with his head resting on Torc's lap. Another crash of thunder sounded outside and the rain picked up, making Tim whimper like a scared puppy. Torc rolled his head and leaned back, running his fingers through Tim's hair. He smiled a bit as he heard the cat monster purr gently at that. He continued to do this until the Brit fell asleep and the rain slowed down, to which he just leaned back more, closed his eyes, and fell asleep, on hand on Tim's head and the other on his chest.

(This reminded me of the reverse AU, since I see Tord as the top in most TomTord settings, and Torc's still smaller.

This also just made me feel like I was writing a TomTord shot, which made me do so many double takes, you won't believe.)

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