Three Days of Despair: Day 1

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(Warning before you start the chapter: major character death up ahead. Also, mentions of self-harm and suicide here as well.)

(Before I wanted to start this madness, I wanted to say that I decided I'm going to spilt up the shots into three chapters for each day. Since I got about 9 requests, I'm going to do three per day. If anyone new comments a suggestion, I will make up for it in the next day.

First day of despair includes: two suicide shots and a murder shot.

I will state the prompts you gave me and the people who put in the requests before I start each shot.

Enjoy the feels, my friends. Today is all about death.)

(First shot: Scenario 2 with the Reverse AU. Tim is the victim. Requested by Smol_Tommo)

   Tim layed back on his bed, staring up at his ceiling. His eyes were puffy from crying not even five minutes ago. He wanted to cry more, but it seemed like his body had given up on that, like he had run out of tears. Never before in his life had he felt so useless, so replaceable...

   .... so alone.

  He heard a slight knock on his bedroom door and he sat up, wiping his eyes.
   "Who is it?" He asked.
   "Bro, it's me." He could here his older brother, Tom, talk through the door. His voice didn't sound as cold as it usually was. "You ok in there? You've been locking yourself away for... well... hours. Ever since Tord told us what happened." A moment of silence on the other end passed for Tom before a soft hitting sound was heard; Tim had thrown a pillow at the door.
   "Shut up about it, will ya?! I'm already hurt by it, so leave me alone!" Tim screamed, surprised to feel tears well up in his eyes. He could hear Tom sigh and walk back down the hall of their house. Once the sounds faded, Tim grabbed the pillow and threw it back onto his bed, feeling as if he may cry again.

   You see, about an hour before this, Tord had visited the two brothers with terrible news. His brother, Torc, had just passed away, and the small norski needed some support, since his friends were away. Tom had hugged him for as long as he could, trying to calm him down, while Tim just left to his room, tears already in his eyes. He had been dating Torc for a few days before he died, apparently from a car accident, so it stung his heart harshly. He had been locked away in his room, balling his eyes out from that point on.

After a few hours, Tim found himself laying on the floor, cuddling his pillow. He heard the front door of the house open and he looked over to his own door with a questioning look.
"Hey, Tim! I'm going to go check on Tord! Do you want to stay here?" Tom called from down the hall.
"Yeah! I'll stay here...." Tim said as he heard the door close. He gulped and sat up. Thoughts hit him likes train, taking up his whole mind.
What am I thinking? I can't do that... Tim told himself, but the thought kept crossing him. He wouldn't ever see Torc again... so why not join him?

Tim slowly stood onto his feet and looked around his room. Nothing. Not a single sight of rope, sharp object, anything. He walked out of his room, his mind blanking. The only thought on his mind was the one. He walked down to the kitchen, looking around for anything. How did he want to go? Stabbed in the heart? Hanging himself? Overdose?
He stopped on one thought and looked around from the object. Since his mind was blank, he didn't write anything. He spotted a large knife sitting on the counter. He swiftly picked it up, thought for a moment, and plunged the knife deep into his chest.

(Second shot: Scenario 2 with a Romeo and Juliet type AU. One kills themselves because he thinks the other is dead, causing the other to kill himself as well. Requested by @fandom_queen_4life.)

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