Angst Shot

545 28 37

(Requested by Ashes_of_the_Stars.)

   "WELL MAYBE I DONT LOVE YOU ANYMORE!" Tim screamed at his smaller boyfriend, who backed up slightly, tears starting to form in his eyes. Tim's eyes were smoking a soft purple gas as he breathed heavily, trying to calm down from his outburst. Torc just stood there, confused. He couldn't even remember what their fight was about, but his British boyfriend had never said anything like that to him. Ever.
    Torc wiped some tears from his eyes and narrowed them as Tim calmed down.
   "Maybe I don't love you, either." Torc replied and ran towards the front door of Tim's apartment, opening it, and running out into the rainy night. He could hear Tim call after him, but he didn't pay any attention to that. His memories slowly came back to him of how the fight started as he ran through the rain, not caring that he couldn't see anything.

    You see, Torc found out his lover wasn't too faithful to him. Through his older brother, who tried to comfort him, he found out Tim had been cheating on him with another guy at his cafe. Someone named Pay or something like that.
   It didn't matter to Torc, for he had reached his apartment. He ran up the stairs swiftly and almost threw his door open, slamming it shut behind him. Guessing Tim had ran after him, he locked the door and gasped for breath before he curled up behind his door and cried into his light red sweater.

   So many thoughts passed in and out of his mind. Mostly about how almost no one, except for his brother, showed him any sort of love until Tim came along. He was the only person he truely loved and, hell, even had the capacity to love. Torc stood up shakily and wiped his eyes of tears again, looking around his small house. He saw a pad of paper and a pen on his coffee table and quickly grabbed them, frantically writing on one piece of paper. What did he write about? Everything. His regrets, his life, his feelings, how much he loved his brother and Tim, and, most importantly, why he was going to do what he was going to do.

Once he was finished writing, Torc signed the bottom of the paper and looked around his house again, just in time to hear a banging sound at his front door. He looked over to it wide-eyed as he heard someone talk on the other side.
"Torc! Come on, let me in! Please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry for everything! Please, I can make up for it!" Tim called from the other side, but Torc didn't listen. He only thought of that as him running out of time to look for supplies. He knew Tim was strong and, with enough banging, could knock his door down, so he had to think fast.

Torc suddenly had a single thought cross his empty mind and he booked it to his kitchen, looking around frantically until he spotted what he was looking for. A wooden knife holder, full of the sharp objects. He grabbed a large one and looked at the shiny blade for a moment as he heard more banging. Was this really what he wanted? To leave everyone behind and go away for good? Yes. He told himself no one would care. Tord had Tom. Tim had his new lover. No one cared about him anymore.

He raised the knife and took a final, deep, shaky, breath and closed his eyes, swallowing hard. With a swift movement, he plunged the knife deep into his own throat, listening to the cracking of his vertebrae as they split in half as he felt the knife blade reach the other side of his neck. He dropped his arm, pain filling his throat. He felt blood leak out of his mouth and he fell over onto his side, choking on his own blood. His eyes began to close as the world around him blurred to a fuzzy black.

As his senses faded, he heard the sound of a door being kicked down strongly, and he smiled softly.

(I could make a part 2 in Tim's POV if you want)

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