"Insieme. Sempre." We share a brotherly hug before letting go.

I smile sadly as I remember that day. We had recently killed his father and the initial chaos was barely beginning to die down. He had finally been accepted as the successor and one of his first few responsibilities was choosing his replacement. I thought he would pick Marcos, he's older and a little more experienced than us but he surprised me with the sudden announcement that it was me. I can see it now, Marcos is amazing but he isn't as responsible as us and he's even more impulsive than Alessandro.

"I'm gonna kill him!" I step in front of Marcos to stop him.

"Don't be foolish! You know they'll just hurt you." I try to reason with him but he is stubborn.

"So what? Even if I only get in a punch, it's enough for me! Now get out of my way!" Alessandro comes to stand by my side.

"Brother, it's fine. It isn't fair but I'm used to it. I don't want you to get hurt too!" Marcos finally manages to controls his anger if only for now.

Marcos has always been the bravest of us three and Alex the most analytic. He almost always has a plan. Marcos protected us as much as he could and sometimes he would let his emotions get the best of him. We all went through torture but he would always get worked up when we got hurt. It only ended up worse when he confronted them but he still insisted on doing it. He lets himself be driven by his emotions instead of taking the time to actually think things through. We can count on him to take care of things for a while but we all know Alessandro is and always has been the best one for the job. Although he is by no means unjustifiably cruel like his father, he did inherit certain traits that have served him well as our leader.

"No." I look down at Amber who is obviously having a bad dream of some sort. I frown. Usually having someone near her while she sleep is enough to keep the nightmares at bay but ever since Alex was taken she's been a little restless in her sleep. At least, I think they aren't as bad as they used to be. They seem to involve him now, she always whispers his name. I try to soothe her by moving my hand up and down her arm in a comforting manner while I hold her close with my free arm.

"Shhh. It's alright I'm here. It's going to be fine Amber." She grunts a little but she starts to calm down.

"That's it princess, you're safe."

"Nico." She mutters my name and I smile as she seems peaceful once more. I don't understand how she is such a deep sleeper and I find it interesting how she incorporates reality into her dreams. Even if she's asleep, anything that goes on around her invades her mind.

I like this feeling, the one I have whenever she's around. I like feeling important and I am to her. I've noticed how I seem to be able to comfort her the way no one else can besides Alex. Since the beginning she always felt safe with me for some reason. I noticed how she was intimidated by Alessandro and although she was fearful of everyone she opened up to me a little faster. She cares for me in a way no one else has before, my brothers love me as I do them but as men they tend to be a little oblivious sometimes to certain things. Amber on the other hand can read me perfectly and she always knows exactly what to say. Just having her hold me in my weak moments is more than enough. What she does to me is strange, I feel vulnerable around her but I know she would never hurt me and so I let my guard down around her willingly. On the other end she makes me feel strong when I'm at my weakest, she lifts me up with just a smile. She isn't mine to love but you can't reason with the heart.

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