"Yups, sounds great!" , Pete smiles.

"We'll have to be carefull tho", Sam says with a small frown, "we don't want to get caught."

"Alright then, of we go!" I leave the room with Dracio and my backpack on my shoulders and Pete and Sam follow right behind me. We almost reach the cloud when I suddenly hear quick footsteps running after us and someone shouting our names. We all look behind us to see Amy quickly approaching with a backpack over her shoulders.

"Jason, Sam, Pete, wait for me!!"

"Amy? What are you doing here?"

"I'm coming with you as well!"

"You really don't have to come, it'll be really dangerou ..."

"I know. That's exactly why I'm coming with you as well. We've only been training and training all day and every day ... I'm tired of it. I want to use that what I have learned to help a greater good! And of course, you'll need all the help you can use."

"But ... oh well, guess I can't change your mind, can I?"

"What do you think?"

" *sigh* Alright then, thank you for coming with me, it really means a lot to me."

'So that makes four ...'


We got to the bottom of the tower and were now crossing the giant courtyard.

'Waw, I'm so going to miss all of this ...'

We're almost at the central tower when suddenly the doors open and Talissa and Isa appear. They both look a little shocked first, but real soon their look changes from understanding to determined.

"I'm coming with you as well." Talissa is the first to break through the sudden silence.

"Same goes for me.", Isa says next.

"Girls, thank you so much but it's going to be very dange ..."

"You're going to hell right?", Isa says with a frown. I nod a little overwhelmed.

"Well, then we're coming with you as well.", Talissa continues. "Selena and Noëlle, our two best friends, got hurt by the attack. We just visited them in the hospital room."

"And nobody ever hurts our best friends without paying a price for it", Isa says.

"Ok then, you'll still have to pack your bags tho ... Go quickly and meet us at the 7th floor, we'll wait for you."

They both nod and quickly fly to their tower.

"Alright everyone, let's go to the forbidden floor ...


Luckily it's already getting dark by the time we reach the central tower, but it was still a really risky task. We all fly up as quietly as possible and land on the 7th floor. Yet again we stand in front of the two big, green doors I saw when I first entered this floor. A little amazed I stop in front of them, but it doesn't take long before I move towards them and ...

"Wait!" I suddenly feel a pair of hands pulling me back by my shoulders. When I look behind me I see, suprisingly enough, Brandon.

"Brandon? What are you doing here?"

"I'm going to hell, duh? A better question is: what are you all doing here?"

"We're going the same way you are going. It's my fault that heaven got attacked, so it's up to me to fix it."

"And of course you all joined him?", he says while looking over his shoulder. "*sigh* Well, guess you have another member for your squad then ..."

"Fine for me. But why did you stop me from opening the doors?"

"There is a protection spell on them. You can't enter unless you have a special ring."

"Ohw great, then our mission has failed before it even started ..."

"Who says it failed?", Brandon says with a little smile. "I can open them."


"Let's just say I have a few ... privileges.", he chuckles. He lays his hands on the door and quietly pushes them open. Isa and Talissa also just arrive with their backpack and weapons. And there it was, as majestic as when I saw it the first time: The Pearl of Undur.

"Alright everyone." , I say when we're all standing around the green stone, "right now, there is still time to change your mind. You don't have to go but if you decide to go there, you might get wounded or ... die."

I look at everyone standing around me, but all I can see is determination.

"We already died, Jason.", Pete says, "We've been given a second chance. Let's use it to save the world."

We all look to each other one more time and then all seven of us put our hand on the stone. The stone starts lighting up and green smoke starts surrounding us.

"Alright then.", I say, "See you all in hell."

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