Chapter 43- Gone

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Chapter 43- Gone

_________Amara's Pov______

I was currently living in a simple house in Los Angeles with my son and my soon to be husband. James had proposed to me and I could not be happier.

My son, Eli, was a year and four months old and he was such a sweetheart. He had blond hair and was the most adorable thing alive. He was the joy of my life and having him showed me what true happiness is. His father was amazing and constantly making me feel like the precious gem I am.

I had dyed my blonde hair brown for a change as this was my new beginning. I enjoyed relaxing away from the castle. I never wanted to go back to that cruel place. My plan was to get married to James and then maybe we would move to a slightly bigger house and enjoy our lives like normal people. We would focus on Eli and make his dreams a reality, and possibly have a few more kids later in life.

It was early in the afternoon and I decided that I should take some time for myself and read. James and Eli were currently upstairs sleeping so it was the perfect opportunity to have some peace and quiet. I was sitting on the porch outside reading a book when a black SUV pulled up in front of the house with a screeching halt.

I did not look up, thinking the vehicle was by my next neighbour.

Suddenly, I felt a cold metal on the side of my head. My entire body stiffened and my book dropped to the ground with a thud. I immediately knew what was happening and a wave of emotions passed through my body.

" If you scream, I will not hesitate to blow your brains out right here. You wouldn't want your son to see you dead?  Would you?" the man said in a sly voice.

I tried to open my mouth but nothing came out. I was defeated. I wanted to call out to James but I could not risk them hurting Eli or James. I hung my head in surrender and the man grabbed me firmly by the arm and I was thrown into the SUV.

I was in the middle of two men so there was no escape for me if I had to try.

The driver then drove off at full speed. I closed my eyes tightly, hoping this was like the nightmares I used to have when James and I first left the castle, but it was useless. This time it was real and there was no escape.

"You don't have to do this." I said to them quietly.

"Shut up." one of the men muttered and give me a look of disgust.

"You can just tell Raymond you didn't find me. Please." I pleaded with the men but to no avail.

"I won't tell you to shut up again." the man sitting to my right threatened and he raised his hand like he was about to hit me.

It made no sense for me to fight these men. They were bigger and stronger than me. As much as I wanted to punch these guys and jump out of the vehicle, the chance of me escaping without being killed or my family being killed was zero, so I would have to accept my fate. I always knew this day would come but I thought I would have more time with my son and James.

Just when I thought that I was finally having my happy ending, my whole came crashing down because this isn't a fairytale even though I live in a castle.

_________James' Pov______

I woke up with a strange feeling. Something felt wrong. I looked next to me to see my son tossing and turning. I held onto him and he suddenly fluttered his eyes open.
"da...da" he called out and held my finger.

I smiled at him and picked him up.

"Let's go meet mummy." I told him as we got up from the bed and went downstairs to meet my fiancé since she was nowhere in sight upstairs.

We got downstairs and then I put Eli down to crawl.

Eli was busy holding the walls, trying to walk but kept felling on his little butt.

He never gave up and got up again. He was a fighter. I could already see he would be an independent young man who will make us very proud.

"Amara?" I called out but there was no response.

There was no sign of Amara in the kitchen and as I went to the living room, I saw the front door ajar. She must have been reading on the front porch. She loved to read and whenever she needed a break, she would sit on the porch to read.

I called out to her again but there was no response. Maybe she had fallen asleep on the hammock.

I went to the front door and stepped outside but there was no sight of Amara. Maybe she went to the supermarket or something. I took my phone to call her but I heard her phone ringing from inside. That's strange. This is not like Amara to leave without her phone or leaving a note.

I looked around on the porch and noticed her book on the ground and the gate was wide open.

A cold swear suddenly took over my body.

This could not be happening.

Please tell me I'm dreaming! Maybe I'm being paranoid.

"Amara! Baby, where are you?" I shouted out only to be responded by silence.

What made me realise she was really gone was the tire marks which were left in front of the house.

"Raymond!" I shouted furiously.

He got to her. He took her away from us. I had let my guard down and underestimated him ever finding us. I thought he had given up on finding us.

Amara and I always talked about if this day was ever to happen, I just thought it would not come to this. We always spoke about if she was taken, that my number one priority would be Eli. I could not afford to go after Amara because Eli would be in danger. Also, we could not risk him losing both of his parents.

I would have to learn how to be a single father because any retaliation at Raymond now could lead to us losing our lives.

I heard cooing and Eli had crawled to meet me.

I picked up my son and held him tightly. Tears rolled down my face. I was so heartbroken but I had to protect my little boy.

"Mummy's gone, Eli." I told him sadly, "but one day we'll see her again."


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