Chapter 15-I'm Leaving

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Chapter 15- I'm Leaving

______Henry's Pov_______

How could my brother do this to me? He does not love me. Maybe he blames me for the death of our mother since she died giving birth to me and now he's trying to get back at me by killing the only person I love...Lisa.

He made Amara kill Lisa. He could have stopped this but he chose not to. I cannot stand the sight of him. I want nothing to do with him. No brother of mine would ever treat someone with such disrespect.

"Raymond! Where are you?" I shouted angrily as I ran through the halls of the first floor in search of him.

I promised Lisa I would protect her and look what I have done. Raymond knew that I liked her and to get back at me, he decided to make her battle with Amara. I wished Amara was killed and that Lisa was not injured.

Am I monster? I could have prevented this by protecting Lisa. It's all my fault.

Everyone I love ends up dead. I must be cursed. First my mother died while giving birth to me, then when I was a toddler, my step-mother, who was Amara's mother died, followed by my father soon after.

I hate Amara for killing my friend. I remember when her defenceless body collapsed to the floor. It was such a horrid sight. I tried to run to her, to hold her in my arms but the guards would not let me on the mat.

I was so hurt and so angry at Raymond. I can't stand his sight. I just want to go as far away as possible from him and never see him again.

"Henry........are you crying?" a soft voice asked.

I stopped in my tracks and I looked up to see Kyra coming towards me.

I had not realised that I was crying and wiped my face quickly, but she saw through my facade and embraced me in a hug and I allowed myself to cry out in sorrow.

Her eyes were watery but she held it in. She was trying to be strong as well. After all, Lisa had been her life long best friend and I had only just gotten to know Lisa.

"Kyra?" I whispered into her ear.

"What's wrong?" she asked rubbing my back soothingly. She had knelt down to my height.

"I don't want to stay here anymore. I want to leave. Lisa is gone. Everyone that I love leaves me." I said sobbing.

I just needed to leave the castle and be as far away as possible.

"Bu-but you can't leave me. Lisa was and will always be my best friend. No one can replace her but right now you are my only companion." she said looking into my eyes. She was at the verge of crying.

I liked Kyra too but it was not the same. I wanted Lisa and now that she was gone, there was no use for me staying in the castle. I had made up my mind.

"I'll visit you soon but I just can't stay here any longer. I'm sorry. I'm leaving." I said to Kyra who now had tears steaming down her face and I ran away from her to look for Raymond.

Half an hour later I found him reading in the castle's library. He was seating with his feet stretched out on a foot stool in front of him. The lights were a bit dim but he had a lamp near by to give him just enough light for him to read. The dark mahogany wood floors were squeaky clean and the shelves had many books which were historical in nature and probably never even read. They contained articles and artefacts of the royal kingdom which historians had been trying to dig up for almost three decades but to no avail because my father, Prince Derek had stolen all these documents so he would never be linked to the eradication and assassination of all the royals in the world all for his personal gain because he was power hungry.

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