Chapter 16- Let's start over

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Chapter 16- Let's start over

______Kyra's Pov______

It has been a month since Lisa died and also a month since Henry left the castle. I have yet to come to terms with the fact that my best friend from childhood was dead. The sight of her lifeless body on the ground haunts my memory whether I am awake or asleep. Just thinking about her murder makes me want to cry out in sorrow but no tears came out from my eyes. My eyes only held anger in them and at this point, I just want revenge for the gruesome murder of my best friend. We were supposed to escape the castle together and continue our lives like this kidnapping had never happened but sadly, Raymond had other plans for us.

Being locked up in a huge castle with no one to converse with has been pretty depressing. The maids do not even make eye contact with me in fear of having the same fate as Heather, the maid who tried to escape together with us. I have not seen Raymond either. Maybe he feels sorry for what he has done and is ruminating his actions and the effect it has had on me.

However, I highly doubt that. After all, Raymond is an egocentric jerk who only cares about himself and no one else.

I have been in my room for the longest while just watching the white ceiling and wondering what my life had amounted to. I let out a breath of frustration.

My life sucks. I was kidnapped in June and it must be December now. It is crazy how fast time flies. I thought I would have been back home by now but life had other plans for me.

I have not been outside so I have not seen the snow, if there is any as yet. This castle is so huge that you cannot tell what is going on outside and my windows have been barricaded as a precautionary measure by yours truly, Raymond.

I decided that I had been moping around for long enough and that I needed to do something to keep me sane, or as sane as I could be considering the circumstances I was stuck in.

I got up and put on a long sleeved, light green dress which swept the floor but it was quite simple and its cotton material made it feel extremely comfortable. I dropped my hair and had no makeup on. I put on sandals to match my outfit and to make me feel comfortable.

I walked out of my room and went to the ground floor.

I walked towards the back door and there was no snow but the trees barely had any leaves left on them. The sky was grey and the sun was not visible. It was quite cold and I sighed and walked around the beautiful garden, although some of the flowers were beginning to whither and the bunnies were getting ready to hibernate for the winter.

"Looks like I'm not going to have a white Christmas." I said sighing in disappointment.

I looked up and saw Raymond by the pond, sitting on a bench and just staring out into space. I wish I could push him in and maybe even drown him in the pond. He looked so sweet and innocent but then again, the devil came in all different disguises.

I decided that I should go meet him and keep him company.

I walked up to him without drawing any attention to himself and casually started conversing with him.

"Hi Ray!" I said smiling.

He stared at me for a quick moment and with a sad face looked away.

"What's wrong?" I asked, a little disappointed that he did not respond.

"Why are you so nice to me? I have done you so many mean things like taking you away from your home and yet you still talk to me.You even give me a genuine smile when I do not deserve it. Is something wrong with your head?" he asked annoyed.

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