Chapter 5- Shocking News

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Chapter 5- Shocking News

___Andrea's Pov (Kyra's mom)____

It has been two weeks since the girls went missing and I am honestly scared for their safety.

Who would want to take my sweet angel away from me or worse yet, hurt my sweet little girl? I am so afraid. I don't know what I'll do without her and to make matters worse, they also kidnapped Lisa, her best friend.

I have no idea who would ever want to kidnap or hurt the girls but the police were taking too long to figure this out. We were wasting precious time and who knows where the girls could be right now. Are they safe? Are they hurt? Are they still alive?

My mind kept racing and re-enacting what probably happened that night and the mere details I had been given on what had occurred.

The Simpson's front door had been broken down by unknown assailants and the two girls were viciously taken from the house. The police are currently investigating the case and we believe that this was a planned kidnapping. The Simpson's house had been bugged with listening devices by the kidnapper and chances are, he had been monitoring their house for years. He also set up a sound proof living room, unknown to the Simpson's, hence the reason for Mrs.Simpson not hearing the girls scream or the door being broken down. The other girls at the slumber party are still traumatised from the incident. They could not believe that Lisa and Kyra had been kidnapped. The slumber party was ruined by this but at least the other girls were safe and sound.

Lisa's mom had called me hysterically crying and it was not until I arrived there that I knew that our daughters had been kidnapped. She was crying so much that I could not understand a word she was saying. She tried to tell me that our girls were missing but I thought they had gone to the park or playing hide and seek. Never in a million years would I think that something so horrific could happen in our quiet community.

My one goal now was to find our daughters and bring them back home safe. We had gone on multiple searches, trying to find the girls but it was useless. They were gone without a trace. All ears were on alert in case the girls showed up. Amber alerts were sent by the police to find the girls but all in vain.

Whoever kidnapped the girls knew exactly what they were doing but the fact that they left no ransom note or any requests scares me the more I think about it. Why on earth would anyone kidnap these girls and only them. There were about fifteen girls at the Simpson's house that night and these two were specifically targeted. I just wanted answers and I need my daughter back home.

I know that I have not been the best mom and she's still upset that I divorced her dad, but he was no longer in love with me. I loved him too much to allow him to waste his life taking care of me. I was barely home as I drowned myself in work at the law firm. I had no time to take care of a family and I guess it's my fault Daniel began cheating on me. I confronted him about his change of behaviour and him being unfaithful, but he denied it. After two years of constant fighting and quarrelling, I filed for a divorce and he just left. He did not even say goodbye to our only child. Kyra was so hurt and she refused to talk to me as she blames me for taking her happiness away from her. It's been six years and she still hates me. She thinks I'm a monster and it's my fault her father does not call her.

I haven't even called Daniel to tell him that his daughter has been kidnapped but that's if he even cares. When he left he walked straight out the door and did not look back. I never tried to contact him and neither did he. He only took his clothes but left everything in the house for Kyra and I. He did not put up a fight or try to battle for custody.

I walked staggering down the steps as tears clouded my vision. I could not believe that this was really happening and that my daughter was missing. To make matters worse, her phone was not with her so there was no way of tracking her or Lisa. Kyra was addicted to her phone, she would not even let in down to eat breakfast. She must be so miserable wherever she is without it.

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