Chapter 31- A Day to Remember

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Chapter 31- A Day to Remember

________Andrea's Pov_________

This was it. The day I had been waiting for months to arrive was finally here. Today was the day I would be saying 'I do' to the love of my life. The day that I would be walking down the aisle for the second time in my life but to the same man.

Anxiously sitting on the chair, I squealed in excitement as my makeup artist finally spun me around to face the mirror. I looked stunning and memories from my first wedding came flooding back to me. The joy and excitement I felt marrying the love of my life filled me all over again and I had no regrets.

This time, we would be getting married with no objections and I was thrilled about that.

Our first wedding had occurred in England and was the wedding of the century. Our lives were about to be drastically changed as Daniel and I were going to be King and Queen of England, taking over my parents' throne. Daniel was just a commoner and him being thrown into the royal family was a huge step.

However, our fate to rule England was destroyed after the regicide of the royal families of all countries after my wedding and we were forced to hide out and cut all our ties to royalty, in fear that we would be prosecuted for being involved in this mass killing. This is why all countries are ruled by Presidents and there are no Queens or Kings. Royalty is simply a distant memory in our heads.

I wonder how life would be now if we had become rulers of England. We would never have come to America and maybe we would have been still married.

"It's time!" my bridesmaid, Erica, squealed in excitement.

I took a deep breath, erasing all the thoughts from my past life from my head.

" Andrea, you look beautiful." she said as she handed me my bouquet of white lilies.

Although Erica had been my close friend, she had no clue that I was once a princess. No one knew except for Daniel and I. We had been so scared for Kyra's safety that we never told her the truth. I used to tell her stories when she was a toddler about our lives as royals but after Daniel kept telling me to forget about it and stop filling Kyra's head with nonsense, I eventually stopped.

" I only wish Kyra was here to see you. She would be so happy to see her parents getting back together." Erica said and I smiled sadly in return.

Things were so different after Daniel and I had gotten a divorce. Life was never the same and a void filled my heart. To make matters worse, Kyra hated me for allowing her father to leave. I wonder if she ever forgave me. She had made it clear to me on many occasions that she wished she was living with her father and not with me. She was always a daddy's girl. I miss her so much despite all we have been through.

Everything was moving so quickly. Before I knew it, I stood outside the room where all my guests were eagerly waiting for me to walk down the aisle.

I heard the music cue and the flower girls began walking.

Soon, it was my turn to walk.

The guests stood up and watched in anticipation for me to walk gracefully down the aisle. I felt so special. People were taking pictures of me, making me feel like a celebrity.

When I looked up to see Daniel and suddenly, it was like everything was going in slow motion.

My heart started to beat faster and for those few moments, it was as if it was just the two of us in the room.

He looked so dashing and my heart was beating like it was the first time I had laid eyes on him.

I approached the love of my life and he held my hand as we walked up the rest of the aisle to stand before the priest, who after talking for a good half an hour finally asked,

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