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Jungkook POV

Being me, I hadn't woken up the earliest. I rolled outta' bed at around 12pm (a/n: oh. What a coincidence;)) and realized Taehyung wasn't beside me. I had finished my morning routine and now off to wake up the twin because one of us in the house has gotta be responsible.

Walking into the nicely decorated toddler room, the twins were sleeping soundly beside each other. I almost didn't have the heart to wake them. Going over to the miniature bed by the toy chest, I shook their tiny bodies awake. They didn't seem to fathom the morning rise so I took into my own actions and carried them in my arms, feeling them rest on my shoulders, carrying them to the bathroom, and then setting them either side of the little vanity.

Once I had gotten them prepared for the coming day, I went over to the kitchen to whip up something good. Just as I had gotten the ingredients out, I see a reasonably sized dish that had a note on it.

"Morning bun! I left for...uh...something! But anyways here's a dish to satisfy that growling tummy of your! Love you<3

He had a bowl of fresh ramen and some kimchi laid out for me. His care for me warms my heart. I set the dish aside, now working on Ji and Joon's dish. I made some fried eggs with side dishes of fishcakes and seasoned tofu. Once I had the little bowls of rice set up, I called over the siblings to eat. Oblivious to my summoning, they continued to make race car sounds and playtime monologues, remaining unfazed to my calling.

I just decided I'd feed them later on considering I didn't have the heart to interrupt their little playtime. I opened the wrapped bowl of ramen and kimchi before devouring the spicy meal. My lips were slightly swollen from the heated dish but it wasn't so noticable.

I washed my dishes but soon stopped when a couple of knocks interfered with my scrubbing. Taking off one of the rubber gloves, I head over to the door to reply the constant banging happening on the other side. "Yah! It's too early to be knocking this loud!" I say, my impatience getting the best of me. I see my two hyungs, Jiminie and Jin hyung wearing a shit eating grin. If I didn't know any better, they were were planning something.

"Jungkookie! Today's a special day! Very special!" I cast a weird glance his way and his smile just widened. I'm starting to worry his face my split in half. "Well don't just stand their Kook! We got a big day ahead of us! Go get changed, I'll call my sister to take care of these little gremlins!" And like that, I'm being pushed into Tae's and I's room to change in outdoor attire.

I came out in a stussy yellow baseball tee tucked in a pair of tight fitted blue rip jeans, and of course my glasses, I wouldn't be me without them. I walk out the bedroom to already see Jimin's sister standing at the doorway. "Annyeong Noona!" I great with polite. "Ah Kookie-ah! What is this date I'm hearing about? Oh shoot! Forget what I said! Go on! I'll care for these tiny monsters!"

Jimin was pulling me around everywhere while Jin hyung just watched and occasionally checked himself out in the store windows. Did mention we were walking around Myeongdong. Jin being the almighty fashing king, started pushing me to all these clothing stores and pulling off articles of clothing off the rack to see if they matched me. I don't know why, my fashion is perfectly fine.

"Ah ha! I found the perfect outfit for you!" He threw a bunch of shirts and bottoms on to me while pushing me into a dressing room. Not knowing what to do, I just put random pieces together that I thought went with my vibe and before you know it, all the clothes I walked in here with ended up on the ground.

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