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Jungkook POV

A gleaming Ray for light and unusually sense of heat had woken me up from my perfect sleep. I open my eyes, finally, and noticed a body beside me. I freaked out momentarily until I noticed it was Tae. But wait! Why's he in my room? And shirtless?! Or is it that I'm in his? Probably the second one.

Gently, I rise up so that my back was now straightened. I climbed out of the covers and couldn't help but awe at the beautiful being that I can happily call his. I looked and observed all of his features untill I realized, why am I still standing here when I could be making breakfast for him as a thank you!

In the kitchen, I had all the necessary ingredients laid out on the island counter. Everything I needed to make a spicy breakfast of tteokboki. Rice cake, spicy bean paste, soy sauce, water, sugar, and etc. I followed the recipe online and cooked to my heart's content.

Finally I was done with the dish and split it into two plates, one for me and one for Tae. I was just about to go wake him up when I felt two arms wrapped securely around my waist and a slight weight on my shoulder. I look to my left shoulder to see a half asleep Tae, with bed hair and still shirtless. "Good morning Taetae! Look! I made breakfast for us!", "Hm."

After eating, it was time for me to head back or eomma was gonna be worried considering I came here unconscious and hadn't told her that I'd sleepover. I grabbed my glasses that I hadn't notice I left upstairs and kissed Tae goodbye before leaving.

I open the front door open to be greeted with an empty house and here I thought my mom was at home, worried for me. I was just about to go up to my room when I noticed a bright yellow post-it stuck on the fridge filled will childhood memories.


I had guessed you slept over at Taehyung's after that date of yours. Well dear, I got called in for an important meeting, not sure how's that gonna be but, bun, I'm not sure when I'll be back, hopefully with good news, I prepared a lunch and dinner just in case I don't make it back in time for both meals,

Sincerely, eomma

Understanding as to why my mother wasn't home, I went up to my room relieved. Settling on my bed, I checked my phone to see any notifications. Immediately catching my attention, it was a text inbox from an unknown number.

xxx: Don't think Taehyung actually loves you.

Huh? I don't even know this person and he or she's already in my business.

Kook: Who are you?

xxx: Hey, I'm just giving you the heads up

Kook: Well thanks but no thanks! I think I know Taehyung enough to know he wouldn't part take in much foolery

xxx: Okay, whatever. Don't say I didn't warn you

The way this person texted with implied confidence left me a second to doubt my belief on Taehyung. I said a second, and after that, I immediately pushed the thought out of the window, kind of, it was still slightly lurking around in my mind, but that didn't matter because the next text was from Taehyung and I was already leaping in joy because he wanted another date.

I hadn't known what to wear so in every similar scenario, I called the one person to help. "Jimin hyung!", "Wa! I love this feeling when you call me hyung! So Kookie, what is it that you so desperately need to the point where you used honorifics", "Will you stop exaggerating, I can call you hyung! But anyways! Taetae asked me on another date and I don't think I am capable of getting ready on my own! Also I have something to show you but that can wait!", "Well you have called the right person because I also have another whose got you lucked!"

I watch as Jimin called the "right person" and nearly an hour later, I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it!", I open the door to see Seokjin-ssi?! "A-Annyeonghaseyo S-Seokjin-ssi", "Kid, drop the formalities, you make me feel old. Just call me hyung! But anyways I'm here because Jimin called saying there was a "Date Crisis"!", I gonna murder you, hyung.

I finished scolding Jimin for calling someone who was basically a stranger I just met the other day and "finally", Jimin's word not mine, let Seokjin-ssi -hyung in. "Sorry about the wait hyung. Had to deal with something", I spared a second and glared with rage at Jimin. "No worries, I heard your whole conversation and I'm sorry for intruding!", He looked at me with an apologetic gaze. " It's fine, hyung. Jimin seems to think very highly of you when it comes to the great world of dating so you must know a thing or two", "A thing or two?! Child, I helped all their asses with dating! Especially Jimin's hopeless ass!"

To say I was shocked was an understatement, I was beyond amazed with the things he did to get me ready. I, currently, was sitting on the toilet seat cover watching Jin hyung with a concentrated face as he applied make up on my face. I was already in my arranged attire, which was a pink button down tucked into white ripped jeans. "All done!", I was greatly glad that the face preparations were done. I stood up and looked into the mirror to see a whole different person. My complexion was a healthy white tone, a bit of black eye liner above my lash line, barely noticeable blush, and my lips were slightly glistening. 

It was about time for our date and I decided to grabbed my stuff and head out. I was just about to put on my glasses when Jin hyung stopped me. "Nope. You are not wearing that over my masterpiece", he pulled out a contact lense case, " Wear these! If I'm correct, your eyesight degree is -5.25 (a/n idk if I'm correct but basically Jungkook has the worst sight ever: Update: Y'all be correcting the shit out of me oml)", "Damn Kookie, I knew you all my life yet I never knew that you have such terrible eye sight!"

Okay, so like I haven't updated in forever and I'm not even surprised if you guys end up having reread this entire story again to understand, I know I'm sorry! But anyways...

Okay, so like I haven't updated in forever and I'm not even surprised if you guys end up having reread this entire story again to understand, I know I'm sorry! But anyways

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

What the eff?


I don't get why you guys like this so much but THANK YOU SO MUCH! I swear starting this fic, I thought I wouldn't get more than 50 views but here I am looking at the bar below published and I see over 6,000 people read this and WHAT! 351 PEOPLE VOTED! I'm like pinching myself to reality! You guys make me criiii

But seriously, you guys make my heart swell! I promise I'll try to update more! Love you guys so much!😍💕💗

Dared Love (Vkook fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz