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Jungkook POV

"Let's cuddle!"

My vision blurs and my cheeks become wet. I thought I could handle this. Okay, that a lie. I knew I couldn't, I just thought I could hold it in long enough for Taehyung to find his special someone. Someone that wasn't me.

I dropped on to the beanbag, the crutches falling to the floor with a loud sound. I use my sweater sleeves to wipe my tears, hopefully fast enough that Tae doesn't notice. Unfortunately, he did and there I was, alone on that huge beanbag, but with Taehyung crouching down with a concerning look on his face.

"Kook, you okay?" And that phrase was all it took to make me crack. "Of course I'm not okay! Why can't you just leave me?! Just move on! Why are you so stubborn! Ugh find someone else you can love! Don't waste your time on me!" I cry harder but my shoulders felt lighter, like all the heavy weighted stress I was carrying just disappeared.

Taehyung POV

I don't know what to do. Should I hug him and comfort him. Should I give him a pat?. . . Ruffle his hair? Wait. He said 'Why can't you just move on?', is that implying he remembers me. "D-Do you remember me?" The next thing really knocked me in the face. "Yes! Yes I remember you! I just pretended I had amnesia so you could leave me! And now I'm begging you! Just give up on me!"

I pulled him into a tight hug. My face was mushed against his soft brunette hair, not even caring about the days unwashed scent. All that mattered was the relief that had taken over my mind. He remembers me. I hugged him tighter through the sobs he was emitting and the wetness of my clothed shoulder.

I pulled away when I noticed the cries had ended. He had cried himself to sleep. Cute. I gently laid him down on the bed-sized beanbag and grabbed one of the blankets off the couch, tucking him in like a child I love so dearly.

Once Jungkook was a comfortable, I settled on the beanbag beside him with a blanket. I could barely sleep, was too distracted staring at his beautiful sleeping face. I kissed him on the forehead before turning on my side and sleeping the night, or morning, it's 1am now, away.

Jungkook POV

I had felt an oddly warm sensation around my waist and upper body. I was already awake so why bother trying to pretend. I squinted my eyes open, my blurry vision came to, I noticed a familiar face tucked into my shoulder and neck. I missed this.

Realizing quite some time passed since I've woken up, I try to separate my limbs from his comforting grasp, not wanting to wake him up. Once I successfully got out, I hopped on my perfectly-fine-leg over to a pack of post-its to write a note. To make sure he finds it, I stuck it on his forehead, watching as his relaxed breaths blow it around.

I finally got down the stairs unharmed and bid Hoseok hyung's aunt goodbye. The jingling bells as I exit the door heading back to the hospital, well with the help of Jimin hyung. "Guk! So how'd it go! Do you remember anything?", I smiled guiltily. "Hyung! I have a confession to make! I never had amnesia!", I played dramatically like those American soap operas. "Tsk tsk. I really should be mad right now but that act you just pulled was too much", we laugh like old times, I temporarily forgot the conflict I'll have with Taehyung.

Jimin drove me back to my hospital suite where the doctor ran some test on me. It was almost painful but I had gotten used to it every time he had to inject the IV bag or needed a blood sample. It didn't hurt but I was quite tired from the lack of blood that was sucked out of me that I just fell face first into the uncomfortable bed...

Taehyung POV

I had woken up to a quiet room with nothing put the soft pitter patter of the rain against the window. Rain. Something too easy to ignore but if you notice it, it's such a resemblance of humanity. Has the ability to lighten a mood with it's pink clouds that showered us, or it can run fear, thunders bolting at the ground.

But today it was happy. Maybe today's a good day. Was too busy staring at the sky through the windows that I hadn't noticed the sticky note stuck to my forehead. Pulling it off, I read,

"Ah hyung! I'm woke up early and decided to let to rest, don't come looking for me! -Jungkook"

Okay, that clearly means I should right? I hop off the plush bean bag and caught a taxi to the hospital, the only place Jungkook could really be. I quickly paid the driver with 10,000 wons, no change, I'm too eager.

I sprinted to Jungkook's room, just about to pull open the door until a strong force pulls me back. I turn around to see, the so delightful Jimin hyung. "Oh! Hi hyung! Can I go see Kookie?", Excitement clearly evident in my voice. "Tae, I don't think it's the best time right now. Jungkook just got a blood diagnostic so he needs his rest and knowing you, you'd probably wake him up!", He's not wrong but he should know I'm pretty stubborn.

Now here I am, on this uncomfortable plastic chair besides Jungkook's bed, watching him sleep. I had nothing to do but listen to his soft breathing pattern. Turning off the tv that was just on for a moment, I kiss Jungkook on the forehead and left.

"I'll be right back, Guk! Then when you wake up, I can take you on an actual date!"

Jungkook had just woken up coincidentally right after Taehyung kissed him on the crown of his head and now he's a blushing mess while groaning in pain because Taehyung had laid his head on it. He could care less about the pain though.


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