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Jungkook POV

After a delicious lunch at the BBQ house and having it with my boyfriend and my best friend, I couldn't be more happier, I was overjoyed at how welcoming Taehyung's friends were. Right now, I was sitting through the last class of the day, I could barely sit still when I was aching to see Taetae.

When the bell rang, I sprinted out of the school in seconds and a built chest seemed to be in my way. I look up to see my one and only, Tae. "Whoa babe, slow down there! Why the hurry!", "Um...Um...I was e-excited to see y-you", "Awww cute", he ruffled my hair messily while wrapping his other arm around my waist.

He took me to the "Bangtan Zone", I didn't know whether to be excited or nervous. Turns out it was just a cozy upstairs to one of Hoseok hyung's family owned shop. It was an a small room, a little bigger than my own room. There was a black wool rug that decorated the floors along with a couple bean bags. Aside from that, a gray couch sat centered against the wall with a TV that was hung on the opposite wall. Although the room was small in size, the wall that was just made up of windows sure made it feel endless. 

I was pulled out of my admiration for the room when I heard a cough for attention escape Taehyung's mouth. "H-Huh?", "I said that the other guys were going to arrive soon", "Oh." I sat on the extra large bean bag, not knowing what to do to fill up time. A moment later, Taehyung sat beside me and pulled me into his grasp where his arms snaked around my waist and my head was on his chest. "Let's cuddle!" So that following hour was filled with light pecks and giggles. 

Taehyung POV 

I had my full attention the the TV when I heard barely audible snores coming from beside me. I look down to see Jungkook asleep. He looked...cute. His hair danced along his forehead as his glasses were loosely hanging from his nose. He was nibbling on his lip, revealing his bunny like front teeth. I hadn't noticed how long I was starring because a slap from the back of my head drew my attention to my sleeping "boyfriend".

I look up to see a smirking Yoongi hyung and a gushing Jimin. "Yah! What was that for?!", I whisper yelled so that I wouldn't wake Kookie up. "Don't you know it's rude to stare", Jimin cut in, "Oh don't mind him he's just a buzz kill", "Whatever. Wake up Jungkook so we can go out. I'm craving a good ice cream cone."

It took a lot of effort to wake the heavily sleeping bunny but I managed. As much as I wouldn't have admit again, but he looked adorable when he was dazed and lost when he woke up.

We'd just finish getting our cold delights and now we were all trying to share a park bench. I didn't know what was more awkward, being pressed against one of my toys or the quiet atmosphere that you can here the drops of melting ice cream. This night was starting to shape up to be one of the worst.

After we decided that being in one bench, the seven of us, we stopped competing against one another and just went off in our own small conversations. I noticed Jungkook went on the swings, I laughed noticing the swing was double wrapped around the support bar so it looked like he barely reached the floor.

I heard him yell for Jimin to push him. I didn't know what I was feeling but I felt my chest tighten and my blood boil. Why he call him and not his boyfriend?! I ran over there and pushed Jimin out of the way so that I was in the line of pushing Jungkook.

Jimin POV

Did I just indirectly make Taehyung reveal his feelings. I internally Pat myself on the back before going back to Yoongi hyung to tell him the current status of Operation Taekook. Yoongi and I just watched as the soon-to-be-love-birds were laughing and smiling together. I hadn't seen an actual smile on Jungkook for years, I gotta say I missed that adorable bunny smile.

It was around 7 now and we decided to sit on the tall hills to watch the sunset. What a cliché scene. It was absolutely beautiful but looking at the forced couple, Tae's hand around his waist, Jungkook leaning his head on his shoulders. I hope that they stay the way they are.


I was furious at Namjoon for giving such a dare to Taehyung, of breaking someone's heart yet again, but when he talked to me in private about how this dare was supposed to get Taehyung to settle for one person and that was Jungkook because we always knew that Jungkook was Taehyung's type: smart, warm, caring, and playful. I loved that Taehyung was starting to unknowingly fall in love with Jungkook. I just hope this time Taehyung wasn't so loyal to his dare name.

So how was it? Bad, I know. So this was yet another filler but hopefully it'll get more juicy. I'm planning on ending it on the tenth chapter soooo.... What'd you guys think about Jin's introduction in the story, late as ever, I know! But anyways, thanks for reading<3

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