Chapter Eight: Save and Sound

Start from the beginning

            Laughing, Zoe let it slide. “Well come on, we’ve got a pizza to get.” She called sliding into her car, and then watched as Arabella followed with a small smile on her face. Once we were both in I turned the radio on to a pop station and cranked the volume up.

Arabella’s P.O.V.

Zoe parallel parked on the side of the street then took the key out of the ignition. “Come on, I don’t think you want to wait out here all alone in my car.” With that Arabella nodded and followed after her opening the car door and walked into Fox’s.

            When we opened the door, Zoe quickly turned to face Arabella, giving her a quick wink as she looked at the guy behind the counter. He was tall, maybe six foot one with brown hair cut into a skater-boy style with warm brown eyes. Arabella might have found him hot if not for her fear of men at the moment. And the look he gave her when they walked in gave her chills.

            “Why hello ladies,” He said with a lopsided smile. “What can I get you?”

            “Hum,” Zoe said thinking twirling her hair then turned toward Arabella. “Should we get cheese or pepperoni pizza?” Pretending to think about it for a second or two, she then replied in a small voice “cheese.”  

            “Alright. One large cheese pizza to go,” Zoe told the guy from behind the counter, who was still giving her this weird look. She wanted to tell him to stop, but she thought it best not too.

            “That’ll be $8.50 please and a kiss from a pretty lady.” He answered with a smirk looking at Arabella. Just then a guy from farther back walked up front and whacked the guy taking our order on the back of his head. “Drew, what’d I tell you about hitting on girls while working?” He stood around the same height and age as the other guy only with sandy blond hair that was spiked and dark blue eyes.

            “Not to,” he – well Drew said as he looked at his shoes as if a shamed but then quickly looked up at the guy that scolded him. “Go get their order ready,” the mystery guy that saved me from Drew’s uneasy star said. Then turned towards us, “Sorry about that. This knucklehead,” he pointed behind him, “Is till kind of new at the job and doesn’t know when not to flirt!” He practically yelled the last part. Earning a laugh from us and a “Hey! I heard that,” from Drew.  

            “It’s alright….” Zoe said pausing not knowing the other guys name. “Wes, my name’s Wes.” The guy told them with a small smile. “Well then. It’s alright Wes, we didn’t mind to much. Did we now?” Zoe asked turning to face her. She shook her head no, not knowing what else to say.

            “Still he knows better.” Wes said, shaking his head. “Well that will be $8.50,” he said reading the cash register to find out what we still owed. Zoe quickly pulled out her wallet and handed him a ten dollar bill. “$1.50 will be your change,” Wes said almost in a robotic tone handing Zoe her change.

            Nothing was said for a while as we all stood there in silent’s, until Drew came back carrying a box of pizza. “Order up!” He called like a kid on Christmas day, then laughing he said, “I’ve always wanted to do that.” Wes just shook his head again.

            “So…” Drew said with a smile as we came up to grab our pizza, “I never did get to ask you two fine ladies what your names were.” Laughing Zoe answered for the both of us, “I’m Zoe and this” Zoe said pointing at her “is Arabella.”

            “Such pretty names for such pretty ladies!” He cooed, earning another whack from Wes only this time on the shoulder. “Stop flirting! And get back to work,” Wes demanded receiving a groan from Drew as he left for the back again.

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