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———————————C H A P T E R  1 8———————————

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C H A P T E R 1 8

Warning: offensive language/swearing ahead

•·.·''·.·• •·.·''·.·•

Jimin let out a shaky breath.

His palms were sweaty and his mind was racing as he made his way to the studio.

A couple of hours had passed since he had broken up with Nari and he still felt nauseous thinking about it.

He still needed to talk to Bang Si Hyuk about the breakup so that they could release an official statement.

But right now only one thing was on his mind: Mina.

He desperately needed to talk to her.

After years of anticipation, he was finally going to confess, and, thankfully, he knew she loved him back.

Mina had already told him her feelings toward him.

He still regretted not calling her that night and telling her how he felt.

She was probably hurting right now and it was all his fault.

He just couldn't seem to get anything right.

First Mina and then Nari.

And on top of that, he had to somehow explain to his members how he had utterly crushed a girl's heart.

Everything was so complicated and he longed for the days when he and Mina were just kids, dancing like there was no tomorrow in their rooms.

Everything had been so simple back then, so carefree.

If only had a time machine and relive the good old days.

At last, he finally reached the dance studio where he knew Mina would be.

When he entered the room, he found her sitting against one o the walls, desperately running her fingers through her hair.

She seemed even more than usual, and there was something odd with her.

She seemed angry.

Mina finally noticed him and stood up. She glared at him. "Why?"

Jimin was taken aback. He didn't expect such hostility. He thought that she would be happy to see him.

"Why what?" He asked.

By now he could practically feel the anger rolling off of Mina.

"Why the hell did you play Nari like that?!" She growled.

So that's what this was about.

Jimin swallowed. A not of guilt formed in his stomach as he tried to find what to say. "I- I-" But he never got to finish what he said as Mina cut him off.

"You're such an asshole! How could you?! Do you even have any idea of how much you hurt her?! She literally came crying to me! She said you called her fake! What the actual hell Jimin?!" The words poured out of Mina, along with all of her frustrations and anger.

"We've been friends for forever! I've known you for years! How could you?!"

Jimin was too shocked to answer her and stood there his mouth agape.

Mina fumed. "Answer me god fucking damnit!"

All Jimin could do was look down at the ground, tears pricking his eyes and mutter out, "I'm sorry."

Apparently, this wasn't what Mina had wanted to hear as the words only angered her more.

"You're sorry? Seriously? You've fucked up badly and all you have to say is sorry?" She laughed bitterly.

"You should be with Nari right now, begging her forgiveness after what you did." She spat. She was tempted to punch Jimin in the face.

Even kick him in the balls, but resisted that urge.

Tears slid down Jimin's face. "I know. I'm an idiot and an asshole and so many other things. But-" he paused.

"I love you." His voice was barely above a whisper. "I've wanted to tell you that for ages."

Mina's heart thumped in her chest, but she turned away from him, trying to hide the very evident tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I love you too, but this is the worst time to say that."

Jimin boldly took a step forward and took her hands in his. "Then will you let me at least explain?"

Min tugged her hands away from him, but Jimin's grip was too strong. "What is there to explain? You broke Nari's heart. End of story."

A sigh escaped Jimin's mouth. "Please." He begged.

Giving in, Mina said, "Okay," her voice broken.

•·.·''·.·• •·.·''·.·•


Short chapter, I know, but I didn't really know what else to write.

This book is already a mess as is.

Anyways, you may have noticed that in the last few chapters, there haven't been gifs at the beginning of the chapters. That's because I'm too lazy to add the gifs right now so I'll add them tomorrow.

Goodnight everyone!

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