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———————————C H A P T E R  3———————————

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C H A P T E R 3

It was late at night by the time the girls finished with their dance practice. Although they couldn't see it, the moon was high in the sky and the stars were shining brightly.

"I can't wait to go to bed," Hana said, stifling a yawn. She thought about her nice cosy bed. She thought about how the sheets were as soft as a feather. She thought about how her duvet cover was warm and how it engulfed your whole body as you pulled it up to your chin.

Hana sighed in content. The only thing that stood in her way between herself and her bed were the 20 minute car ride and the front door of their dorm. So close yet so far.

From beside Hana, Soomi noticed the dreamy smile on the girl's face and the way she would sigh ever now and then. "What, or should I say who are you thinking about?" A grin replaced the older girl's exhaustion. The other two girls looked over at Hana, giving her teasing looks.

A blush rose to Hana's cheeks. "No no no no. I wast thinking about anyone. I just thinking about how warm my bed is!" She quickly explained, before adding, "Geez."

This earned a chuckle from the others. The van pulled up to the dorms. "I guess it's our stop!" Yuna opened the door and got out, waiting for the others to join her. Slowly, Hana and Soomi made their way out of the van. "Took you long enough," Yuna muttered under her breath.

Soomi noticed that one member was missing. "Mina?" She called. "Mina!" She was louder this time when she called Mina's name. Her voice was laced with worry. The other two checked in the van, before turning back to Soomi.

Soomi's eyes grew wide when they shook their heads, motioning that Mina wasn't there. Her breath hitched in her throat.

The youngest girl's head popped out from behind the vehicle. "Don't do that!" Soomi tan over to her and almost squeezed the life out of her. Mina was grinning. It was the most fun she'd had in a while.

"Now, lets get inside. It's late and I'm sure that we're all tired. As if on que, Yuna yawned, causing Hana to yawn, and in turn, Soomi.

"I'm not," Mina piped up from behind Soomi. Soomi yelped in surprise. "Would you quit doing that?" Her tone was angry yet playful, if that were a thing. The youngest shook her head. "Anyways, I need to work on some lyrics, so it would be appreciated if someone would open the door."

Soomi jiggled the key in the lock and opened the door. "Mina, promise me you won't stay up past 1:00 a.m tonight?" Mina sighed in frustration before saying, "I promise."

All four of the girls went into the dorm and each went into their shared rooms. Hana was with Yuna and Mina was with Soomi. Fun. Soomi And Mina changed into their pyjamas and settled into their beds.

Instantly, Soomi was asleep, but Mina had her little reading light and her notebook and her pencil out. She open dead up the little book and flipped the the page with the lyrics she had been working on the night before.

Her hand moved delicately over the page as she scribbled some more word onto the paper. Looking over it again, she erased the sentence she had previously. Changing around a couple words and correcting some spelling mistakes, she sighed.

Would people actually want to listen to this? Would all her effort be wasted. What if people thought that the lyrics were terrible? Before she knew it, it was 1:15 a.m. Soomi would kill her. Mina quickly turned off the reading light and set her notebook and pencil down on her nightstand.

She turned on her side to look out the window. Her body ached from the relentless training. She was so tired, yet she couldn't fall asleep. She tossed and turned, waiting for sleep to come. Turning back to the window, she stared at the moon and the stars.

Her envy boiled inside her. It wasn't fair how the stars only had to do one thing, but she had to do many. If she were a star, she wouldn't have to go through the gruelling training and she wouldn't have to worry about a thing. People would actually look up to her.

There was the moon.

That stupid moon. They said that the was your friend, but that's not how Mina saw it. Whenever she looked up at the sky, the moon was always there, mocking her.

She turned away from the window and pulled back her duvet. Climbing out of bed, she wandered to the small kitchen. She didn't flick on the ligh as she padded over to the fridge and pulled out the carton of milk. Pouring some milk into a glass, she sat down at the island in the middle of the room.

Sometimes she wondered if she had made the right choice. She wondered if she had made the right choice following her brother into the music industry. He had always said how fun it was, even if you did have to practice all day.

Before she'd met the girls, she had considered quitting. Maybe if she had quit, she would have a normal life. No dance practice. No vocal training. No worrying about what people thought about her music. Trainee life had taken its toll on Mina. And it could only get worse.

With that, she put her glass in the sink and walked back to the comforts of her bed.

•·.·''·.·• •·.·''·.·•


Heyyyyy! Sorry for not updating. I was on vacation and it was hard to find time to write. Also, I'm really pissed. Cause my other book, Pickup Line | Kim Namjoon, was deleted from my account. I can't find it and it's not in my saved drafts. I signed into another one of my accounts and couldn't find it. I don't know what to do, so the plan for right now is to rewrite it. Fun fun.

Bye! Hope you liked this chapter!

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