"I thank you for letting me speak. I'm ready for whatever punishment you see fit. Before you do decide, I want to ask you for forgiveness as well. First for my rudeness, for trying to take what was never mine and for helping that vile so-called man." I don't know what to do or say.

Alessandro would have shot her the moment he saw her. If Nicholas were here he would tell me to kill her or to lock her up and torture her. Everyone else would give the same advice. But my heart won't let me. She really doesn't deserve forgiveness but I know there is a chance for her. She isn't like those people that are purely evil and full of unfiltered malice. Everything she said was heartfelt. I think she might just have some mental issues that can be treated. Still, I can't forgive her. At least not now and the anger is still raging inside of me. I take a deep breath before delivering a powerful kick to her face. She falls to the ground while clutching her jaw and looks up at me with a terrified face. I've never seen her look weak but right now she reminds me of me. I already decided to let her live and seeing this reaction just makes it a bit easier.

"Alicia, you will live but you are banned from here on out from this mafia. You will no longer receive protection from us, pay from us nor acknoledgement from us. It would be wise to leave and go far away because I can not promise others will agree with my decision. They are free to kill you if they wish. That is why you are to keep your distance from all territory belonging to us. You are on your own. I suggest you leave now and make sure to do so undetected." She looks fearful but a glimmer of light is in her eyes. She gets up quickly.

"Thank you." I turn and look at her already running away. I hope she survived on her own.

"Amber." Marcos walks up to me.

"Look, before you tell me I should have killed her-"

"I won't. You did good. We would have handled it different but I guess that's why you're our little angel. I think we all sort of forgot what forgiveness is or never really learned what it was. You handle things differently and so far you haven't been wrong. I trust you. We all trust you." He smirks at me while ruffling my hair.

"Even if we didn't you still have the final word, boss." I laugh while handing him his gun back.

"I have to call Nicholas and inform him." I grown slightly. I won't be too happy.

"Hey, I know he can be a bit upright but it's just because he cares and worried about you."

"I know."

"I'll get out and try to give him some peace." He turns to look at Ale who stayed in the same position the entire time. He takes out his phone before walking out and shutting the door. I sigh before sitting back down. I study Alessandro's face in silence. Tomorrow I'll have to shave him. We haven't really cleaned him up all too well. I open his hand and turn it so his palm is facing up before laying my head on top of it while facing him.

"What do you think Ale? I know you would have shot her right then and there but I just couldn't." I chuckle.

"If you could talk you would be asking me why I let her go but you would eventually tell me how unique I am. You would say 'that's one of the reasons I love you, bella'." I smile before speaking again.

"Did you really spend all your time thinking about me? I feel guilty. I got a little caught up in other things. Still, you invade my mind every moment I'm alone. I love you. I really need you to come back Ale. I need you." Just then I hear the door open and I get up quickly. Nicholas. He looks angry.

"Amber. A word?" I gulp. Great. I walk out and follow Nico who hasn't stopped walking. How is he even sure I would follow him? Marcos stays where he was and I go through the doors out of the medical wing. Nicholas continues to walk and I stay right behind him. Eventually we reach a door that will take us outside. He opens it and a gust of wind comes in. It's definitely chilly tonight, still I walk out after him. He abruptly stops before turning to face me.

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