Chapter 44

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The next days, my main focus was the reahearsals. And trying not to die. I'm joking, of course. But seriously, I've got a flu. I've been feeling so sick and dizzy these days. All I really wanted was to sleep till my flu magically goes away. But I tried my best to feel 'alive' for the rehearsals. At least for them, because I literally talked to no one these days. I bet my family and Ira assume that it is because of Dara, again, but this time I ignored everyone, including Dara. And no, I didn't want to tell mom that I got sick because I didn't want her to worry. Who knows what she would have done if she had got worried? What if she would have asked me to come home? I will make up for my non-understandable ignorance somehow. Or I will probably accept the blame. Anyway, since I haven't been in a good condition, I didn't even feel the time passing by. It's freaking the 8th of January! 4 more shows besides this one and I am home, in Russia. Unless I get eliminated even earlier. I don't know why, but somehow I have a feeling that this is going to be my last show. The other contestants are all so good and my voice sounds like a dying cat since I got sick. I'm being serious.
I was waiting backstage for my turn to have my make-up done, when Dara arrived. She immediately came to me and said:"Hey, Kris! Long time no see! I thought you evaporated". I laughed quietly at her attempt of joke and I said:"No, I wish". She said, with a sweet voice:"Naww, why?". I replied with:"Because I've been super sick these days. Listen to my voice. I'm a dying cat". Okay, I've planned this joke in advance, but it is a good one, you must admit. She laughed shortly, then she hugged me tightly and said:"Get well soon, babe. I was really worried about you". I hugged her back, giving no reply. Soon, we got interrupted by a staff member who told us to go to the make-up roon. I was really in no mood for this show. I was feeling even worse. Maybe it is because of the hot atmosphere inside the room.
However, the show went well, luckily. I would have been even luckier if I could have just slept the next day, but nope, the next X-factor show was calling. I went to sleep as early as I could, hoping that I would feel better the next day. And yes, I woke up feeling less sick, but more anxious. One more day has passed, which means the day when I am leaving is closer and closer. What if this day is actually today? The latest shows are stressing me out.
Anyway, not long after I woke up, Dara texted me:"Are you awake, babe?". Ahh, the fact that she called me 'babe' again. I replied with:"Yep". To be honest, my anxiety magically went away after getting called 'babe' again by Dara. I am a fool, I know, I know. Then, she asked me in the next text if I wanted to go for a short walk with her. Before replying, I instictively looked towards the window and I saw that it was snowing. I bet it's freezing-cold outside, which could make me get more sick. But I can't refuse Dara, can I? 
The short walk turned out to be over 2 hours long. I got frozen as hell, but at least, I got frozen with Dara. What a romantic thing to do, right? Anyway, when we arrived at the studio, my hands immediately began to hurt due to the sudden change of temperature. As we arrived, that staff guy who is always 'watching' me, asked me irronically:"Didn't you have enough money to take her to a café?". I know his joke was meant to draw attention to the fact that we looked frozen, but I  felt annoyed, so I gave him an evil look and I walked away. Sometimes I feel like he hates me. Or maybe, it's just my stupid frozen brain.
Anyway, as the show was  about to end, the hosts reminded us that there are only 3 more shows until the final. Even if I knew it, the moment when I heard it made me become anxious again.13 days and everything will be over...

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