Chapter 1

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This story is happening in 2015-2016, in the X factor era and is going to be told from Kristian's viewpoint, so each time you see "I", "me" "myself" etc, it means Kris. The next characters will be introduced to you by Kris, as they appear in the story. Enjoy (:
Hi! My name is Kristian Kostov and I am a X factor Bulgaria contestant. I've been to 3 auditions and everything well alight and now, oct. 20th,  it is time for the first live show, in Sofia, where I met all the other contestants. They are alright, they all seem cool and talented. I am not gonna say more. I just met them. I can't label a person from the first meeting. 
However, I also saw this girl, Dara, Darina Yotova. I didn't talk to her much, not yet, but she looked so cute and...beautiful. I like that she was so outgoing and I can be so shy sometimes. I really need her confidence. But nah, I am also fine the way I am. Everyone is different and this is what I love about people: their authenticity.
Anyway, not many things happened today at X factor, but it was just the first day, what should have I expected?
Ok, so after the show, I was backstage, packing my stuff. I was going to my hotel room. Oh shit...where did I put the keys? I am so clumsy. The other contestants left as they packed everything and I was still here, looking for my keys. I couldn't sleep outside so... 
Suddenly, someone came behind me. I didn't hear them because I was focusing on finding those damn keys but she covered my eyes with her hands. It was definitely a female because I could feel that she had long nails. This person wasn't aggresive so she let me take her hands away and turn around. When I turned around, I saw who the mysterious person was: Dara. She smiled friendly at me, she had such a beautiful smile...and eyes...and she was smelling so good...gosh, I should stop...okay, so she smiled friendly at me and said "hey, did I scare you?". I looked into her eyes, smiled instictively and said "no, sorry, I didn't even hear you, I was looking for my keys. They are nowhere to be found". She laughed shortly, I bet she thought something like...'this guy is so stupid', but she asked me, kinda concerned "what keys?" and I replied with "the keys of my hotel room". She smiled, rolled her eyes, and took something out of her bra...yes her bra. "You mean these?" she said, showing me the keys. What  a great place to keep them. Wow. Anyway, I acted like this was something normal and I just said thankfully: "Yes. Oh my god, where were they?". She said: "somewhere on the floor. I don't remember. But I was sure that they belonged to someone, so I kept them into a safe place". She winked at me and handed  the keys to me.
After that, I left the studio, kinda quick. I was embarrased of this situation. I am sure that I didn't make a good first impresion on her, so I saw no point in staying any longer in the studio. When I left, she was still there and she seemed to have no intention of leaving. I don't know why, the show was over and everyone left, but,well, it is none of my bussinesses.

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