Chapter 2

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The next days were still boring. I didn't know anyone here, the contestants seemed to know each other, and I can understand that. They live in Bulgaria. I live in Russia. I don't know so many people here. So I spent my  free days playing games on my phone, talking to my Russian friends and my family.
Now, it was the second live show. Things went alright..blah blah...boring. After the show, I was backstage, I have already packed my stuff but I was still here, texting Ira, my Russian best friend. I was captivated by the (boring) conversation and I did not realise that I was still there, backstage. Dara came in front of me and I didn't see her at always...but she took my phone, which made me notice her instantly. You don't mess with my baby (aka phone), ok? Just kidding.

"Don't hurt your fingers, babe" she said, smiling at me...that gorgeous smile again. And wait...she called me babe?!
"My fingers are fine, don't worry" I replied jokingly.
"Your performance from tonight was amazing. I think I already see the winner" she said enthusiastically to me.
"Thank you. But did you listen to the others? They are all so talented. And you are so talented." I said seriously. I must admit, I saw a winner in each contestant, but not me. They all sing amazingly. And they are Bulgarian. Why would anyone vote for a Russian  little boy, when they can vote for performers from their country.
"Don't underestimate yourself. You have a great chance to win, trust me" she said, smiling again. She was always smiling.
Her words were so kind. I don't know if she was just trying to make me feel more confident of if she really meant what she was saying, but she definitely made me believe in myself more. I didn't know what to reply to her, so I just smiled. Damn, I can't make a conversation with her...what's wrong with me?

Then, one of the hosts, Maria, came next to us and said friendly, stroking Dara's back for a couple of seconds: "How are you, guys?". Both Dara and I replied at the same time with "We're fine", with a tired, lazy voice. Our voices together sounded so good, especially because we were in the same mood: lazy. I should make a duet with her sometimes. I think it would be interesting. But this is just an off-topic thought. Anyway, Maria kept talking, trying to make a conversation with us, so she said jokingly: "You guys like this studio, don't you?". Of course, Dara replied first, so I let her speak: "It's ok. If you mean why we are still here, well, we simply started a conversation and we lost the track of time. Is it late? Should we leave?". Maria said: "Well, the show ended more than one hour ago. If I were the owner of this studio, I would let you stay here as long as you wish, but I am afraid that we will be told to leave if we don't do it soon. They lock the doors after the show everyday." Dara replied, smiling at this woman: " Okay, right. We'll leave now. Don't worry, Maria". Maria said immediately: "Actually, I wanted to talk to you some more, Dara, can we?" . She said friendly: "Of course." I figured that they wanted to have a discussion alone, only the two of them, so I said, before leaving: " Well, I guess I should go. See you next time. Bye, Dara. Bye, Maria".

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