Unforgetable Night (1)

Start from the beginning

If it weren't for Mark being in the classroom with Kellin, I wouldn't be at the school. I just didn't want Mrs. Lisa to go make out with Mr. Kestrel in the teachers lounge, thus leaving Mark and Kellin alone. Kellin would probably attack him and everyone knows that Mark can't fight to save his life. If ever he were to have to muster up all of his skills in combat, he would flail his arms wildly and scream like a maniac. That wouldn't get him anywhere but a broke arm and a visit to the nurse if you ask me. That's why I'm here. That's why I need to be here this evening. To protect the small tiny American flower from the large bulldozer with black hair and looks that could kill.

As I step into the room - where my fellow classmates and the teacher were already present - the air shifted. It went from a calm atmosphere to a hostile one in seconds.

"Seán. Take a seat." Mrs. Lisa greeted firmly. I only give a firm nod and sit down in between Kellin and Mark. As I sit, Mark shoots me a thankful glance and relaxes his tensed body. However, the relaxation only held for a second before a stack of papers landed on each of our desks; a cheat sheet lay directly on top.

"Grade these papers. I'll be back shortly. I have business to attend to." Mrs. Lisa said, turning on heel and retreating to the teachers lounge down the hall, as I suspected she would. She was going to make out with Mr. Kestrel. I just knew it. Then I thought of what would have happened if I hadn't have come to detention. All of a sudden, I was happy I decided to drop in.

Once she was clear down the hall and we heard the lounge door shut, Kellin jumped up. He walked over to the window.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm sure as hell not staying here. If you want to rot, be my guest. I'll see you tomorrow." He told us. Marks eyes grew wide as Kellin opened the window and sat on the sill.

"Are you-"

"Escaping? Definitely." Kellin cut Mark off and grinned evilly before jumping down from the sill and out the window.

Mark let out a small squeak before I decided that I didn't want to be here either. However, I wasn't jumping from a window like Kellin. I wasn't the athletic one (and if Mark wanted to follow, believe me, he wasn't either) so I'd never land without getting hurt. I wasn't the character of an action movie. I was Jack McLoughlin, a teenage rebel and one of the only rebels who could put their money where their mouth was. I was technically the last young renegade. Anyone who could say otherwise didn't know me. Not at all. Yet, no matter how many getaways I achieved over my time of being a teenager, I would never pull off a remake of 21 Jump Street. Not to mention, I didn't want to be here and it was only a matter of time before the teacher came back and saw Kellin gone.

What were Mark and I to do? Rat Kellin out? Of course we would. Then again, we'd get in trouble for not stopping him. We'd also get the crap kicked out of us if we did tell her he ditched. We'd get in trouble for not coming to get Mrs. Lisa. We were damned if we did and damned if we didn't. As I turned to glance at Mark, he seemed to know it too.

"Now what?" He broke the silence as we stared into each other's eyes.

I didn't respond. I just stood from my desk and looked at him. He seemed frozen as he watched me, unable to move or say anything. He knew what was about to happen. What I was about to do. His body just wouldn't let him stop me. That made the situation so much more pleasant. Snatching up my leather jacket, I sauntered toward the door.

"Wait!" Mark called.

The feeling of satisfaction was replaced with disappointment. He didn't fully trust me enough to follow without any words spoken; therefore he spoke to stop me. In the moment, I spun around to face him.

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