(43) Gray x Reader ~ A Little Gift To Us

Start from the beginning

"Let's just go, Gray. You need to get cleaned up if you want to arrive to that surprise restaurant on time. They cannot hold our reservation all night long..."


"How did you reserve a spot here anyway?" Admiring the luxurious interior of the restaurant around her, (Y/n) throws a suspicious look at the man in question while nervously fiddling with the hem of her blouse. The question surfaced after their delicious meal, which probably cost a fortune, comes to an end. All the first class dining had distracted (Y/n) from fact that Gray does not have enough in his and her budget combined to afford eating at such an expensive location. "I heard the waiting list here can go up to a year long. Sometimes even more during holidays! And don't even get me started on the price of just a reservation!"

"Don't worry about any of that," the ice mage grins as he clasps his hands over (Y/n)'s," I know you've always been wanting to come here. How I pulled this off is of little importance. All you need to know is that the payments are taken care of. Focus on today, the day we celebrate us and all the wonderful events that have brought us together."

(Y/n)'s heart leaps from her chest and she desperately wishes to push away the rounded table between her and Gray to embrace him, but the furniture is not as light as it appears to be. Despite his laid back and, occasionally, cocky and reckless personality, the ice mate has proven himself to be an extraordinarily endearing man who deeply cares about those he loves: his friends, family, and lover. She just hopes that his childish and violent fights with Natsu will come to an end, not just her sake.

"Here, I have a little something for you." (Y/n) sets the gift she had put together in the afternoon onto the tabletop, taking great care in settling down gently. "Try not to jostle it around."

"Ehh? What could this possibly be? It's not that large..."

"Just open it, silly!"

Cautionary steps are taken as Gray tugs on the ribbon; he gingerly unwraps wrapping paper as if a precariously placed bomb is ticking away within the small box. The strip of fabric flutters down, allowing for Gray to pull off the lid, which he does with caution once more. Confusion instantly settles in the ice mage's mind when his eyes land on the slip of parchment paper sitting inside. He glances up at (Y/n), a dark eyebrow quirking up to send a silent question at the young woman. The only response he receives is a small, shy smile.

"Go on," (Y/n) encourages. "Read it."

"This isn't some kind of prank? There's no spells bound to the paper?"

"Oh, come on! Can't a woman simply give a gift to the man she loves?"

"No. You're not an ordinary woman and also, it's your birthday. Why would you be giving me something?"


The duo's good-humored banter draws the attention of neighboring diners, who smile warmly upon witnessing a loving, playful relationship blossom. An elderly couple seated to (Y/n)'s left reminisces on events in their past that mirrors the scene playing out in the restaurant now. Vivid memories of their date nights and adventure-filled youth inspires the couple to compliment Gray and (Y/n).

"Thank you," Gray compliments, his cheeks flushing a bright hue of red.

"Now," the older man says," I couldn't help but overhear your conversation, kid. You should read whatever it is that the young lady has written for you. I've been in a similar position before. Trust me when I say that your life is about to get better. That giddiness your girl is exuding? It's a sign of her eagerness to share that feeling with you, so take my advice and read away."

The man's words brings in a wave of realization to Gray. Watching (Y/n) from the corner of his eyes, Gray can see that the man, indeed, is correct. (Y/n)'s expression and body language practically screams happiness. And so, without the hesitation that existed prior to the unexpected words of wisdom, Gray unfolds the parchment and examines the words etched across surface. The brow that was originally raised now furrows together with its partner in confusion.

"This is a diagnosis... but it doesn't say what what you're positive for? I don-"

Lifting his head up to face (Y/n), Gray's jaw nearly drops to the floor. Nestled between her fingers, the young woman is holding another piece of parchment, only this piece has one single word written in the center.

 Nestled between her fingers, the young woman is holding another piece of parchment, only this piece has one single word written in the center

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A sudden shout of joy startles all the diners inside the relatively quiet restaurant, alarming them. Several men stand to their feet, ready to check on Gray and provide any needed assistance, but pause when the ice mage starts pumping his fist in the air, tears sliding down his cheeks as a wide grin stretches across his face.

"This is the greatest birthday gift, ever!"

"...It's my birthday..."

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