Daina Levgnen

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Daina's POV

Hazel is my best friend. She has dark skin with 24K gold eyes. They aren't contacts! She has brown curly hair. She has a great personality. Hazel is nice, sweet, and is filled with pure kindness.

Jacob hits on her daily, but she always rejects him. I mean he's a player and all, but he's the hottest boy in Bayshore High. Hazel always only says, "No." or "I'm busy tonight."

Anyways. I think that the boyfriend act is a lie. Let's ask her.



"Why do you always reject Jacob?"

"1. He's a player. 2. I don't like him."

"There's a "3."."


"What is it?"

"I'm in a serious relationship."

"What?! You're only 14!"


"Hazel. You're 14 and in a SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP!"

"Yeah. Why can't I?"

"You are 14!"

"He's picking me up today," she's starting to sound bored.

"Who's picking you up today?" And here comes Jacob.

"My boyfriend."

"Yeah right. How? And what school does he go to? Never seen him here."

"Of course you've never seen him here. He goes to San Fran High."

"Wait what?"

"He's driving. Now, bye."

"Your boyfriend is in high school?" I ask as we go to home room.

"Yeah. 10th."

—Time Skip (After School)—

"So can I meet your boyfriend?"


I would expect Hazel's boyfriend to be somewhat like her. But...

A black BMW pulled up at our school. From the driver side cam a boy who looked emo. And from the passenger side out came ano—

"Hey Hazel." A voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Nico? Why are you here?"

"I can't visit my sister?"


"Oh! Sorry Daina. Nico is my half-brother," she pointed to the kid in black clothes, "And Frank is my boyfriend," she pointed to the other boy.

"Are we going to CJ or CHB?"

"Hazel, we're in California. Which do you think we're going to?"

"Well, Nico's here."


"Am I a tool now? And also Will will kill me if I go or CHB."

"Who's Will?"

"His boyfriend. And you are.."


"And Neeks. Since when do you listen to anyone?"

"Only him," Nico mumbled.

"Well, we're going to CJ. I have duties there."

"Oh ok. Bye Diana."

Demigods Revealed? Sometimes...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora