3rd most attractive one

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Cristina had finished packing her bag and was getting into her roommate's car when the stranger decided to text her again.  It had been a few weeks since they last talked so it caught her off guard.  She had honestly forgotten about the person during her finals, but he was just in time to mess with her feelings over the winter break.

stranger:  hey babe, remember me?

cristina:  how can i remember you if you don't tell me who you are?

stranger:  you got me there

cristina:  i'm getting on a plane in a few hours so if you have something important to tell me, say it now

stranger:  nah, i just felt like i needed to mess with you a little bit

cristina:  I should have done this to begin with but I didn't because I'm lazy

cristina:  but if you want me to still talk with you, I'm going to need to know who you are

cristina:  I will block you otherwise

stranger:  why you gotta be like that girl

cristina:  i'll give you 5 minutes

stranger:  you won't believe me even if i tell you

cristina:  4 minutes

cristina:  the clock is ticking

cristina:  as well as my patience

stranger:  my name is calum hood

cristina:  ha ha very funny

cristina:  what did you just google luke hemmings and then choose the 3rd most attractive one in the band?

stranger:  okay ouch

stranger:  can i argue against that statement?

cristina:  you were right, i don't believe you

stranger:  idk why i even want you to believe me, but how can i prove it to you?

cristina:  snapchat, add mine - bigbootyhoe

stranger:  wow, if i didn't like you before, i really like ya now





merry almost christmas, i wish life wasn't so difficult at times (:

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