[52] Because You Complete Me

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Final chapter


Back to work life is like back to hectic life. Not for me by the way. I am the boss and I work from home. Everything is handled by my assistant. So, I feel like I am free man. But not for my boyfriend. He becomes so busy since morning.

"Oh, why you didn't wake me? Now I am late!"

"I did but you keep sleep and snuggle at me"

He comes and pulls me into his hug. He kiss my neck.

"It is because you are so nice to cuddle with baby" And he bites my neck and leave a mark in there. I yelp.

"And it is because you are look so yummy this morning"

"What I should do with this mark? How I suppose to hide it?"

"Just show it to everyone, so they know if you are belong to me. You are mine"

He winks. Me, facepalm.

Remind me if he is my boyfriend or else. Nothing. I won't do anything to him. Maybe later. I will make him sleep on the couch. Alone.

"You sleep on the couch tonight!"

He pouts then hugs me again. Gives me a puppy eyes look. Pleading me not to do it. It is not working, Copper. He sighes.

"Fine. I will sleep on the couch tonight if you let me do you now"


He laughs then walk away ready to go to hospital.

"I am joking, baby" he says, "I am leaving now. I love you"

"I hate you, Copper!"

He laughs again. Shit. Why everyone plays with me? Last time Plustor, now Copper. Why they are so similar? Sighes.


What makes you a good boyfriend and husband material? For me, just show my lover how care I am to him/her (as now and forever is him) by act, not words because act is speak louder than words.

So, what I do? Simple thing. Visit him at his work place and bring him home made lunch.

"Mr. Oh, you come? Haven't see you in while. How are you?" One of nurse comes and greets me.

"I am fine and sorry for not visiting you in while, I was busy. But here is as my apologize"

I hand her a big box. It is lunch box for her and her colleague. She thanks me.

"You don't have to, Mr. Oh but thank you. It is a pleasure to eat something you made for us"

I excuse myself to find Copper but when I want to walk, her gangs come and surround me. They seem excited to see me. Everyone is asking question at the same time.

"Enough, girls. Have manner, please. You are not a teenager anymore!"

"But I am fit as teenager, you know" someone says and wink at me. Haha. They are still same. Funny and flirtatious.

"I see you have same ring as dr. Copper has. Are you two...?" I smile and then they are going crazy. They are acting like fans who are going crazy when they find out their ship couple is dating each other.

"Too bad. I am broken hearted"

"With who? dr. Copper?"

"No. Of course with you mr. Oh. You are handsome, cute and kind. You are a perfect one for me"

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