[21] Dreams

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Copper POV


I was in someone's home. It was a terrace. I saw two little boys. They was playing together. They look so happy.

"Sun, come here!" a burnette boy called a tall boy, "Look!"

"You draw this? Who are they?" A burnette boy nodded an smiled.

"This is me and this one is you!"

"But I am not look like that!" the tall boy said, "But this one look cute, just like you"

** ** ** ** **

"You come again?" a burnette

"I told you, I will come. Don't you remember?"

** ** ** ** **

"Mushroom! Mushroom!" A tall boy called the burnette.

"Don't call me that. I hate that name!"

"But it is cute. I like it!" the tall boy said, "And you look cute!"

** ** ** ** **

I woke up and panting. My body was et. The sweats was all over my body. I touched the necklace on my chest.


I tried to recall the memory of him. It was ten years ago. I couldn't remember it clearly but I knew I have met him ten years ago. My long lose best friend. But why I remember about him? Why now?

-----Flash Back -----

10 Years Ago

I was looking for Sun home because I wanted to play with him, but it was hard to find it. I saw a little boy who was playing alone in the terrace. I called him.

"Hey... Hey... Hey...!" He looked at me then he ignored me. I climbed the gate of his home.

"Hey, do you know where is Mr. Atkin's home?"

He ran away. He hid himself behind the tree. Maybe he afraid of me. I came after him but he ran away again. Sigh.

"I don't want do something bad, I just want to ask you something. Why you scared of me?"

"You look angry. It is scary!" he said.

"If I am smiling, won't you afraid will you?" I smiled at him. I tried my best to give him my charming smile.

"You still look scary!" This boy. How come he said a charming boy like me look so scary?

"Whatever" I looked at his snacks, "Mind I eat some of that? I am hungry" He came so fast and grabbed all his snacks.

"This is mine!"

"That is a lot of snacks. Just give me the bread, one bite. Please?" I gave him my puppy eyes. He look hesitant but then he gave me the bread.

"Thank you!"

After that, almost everyday I came to meet him. And as always he was playing with himself. He always all alone. His parent busy with work.


"Don't call me that. I hate it!"

"But it is cute. It is suit you. You're cute!" I pinched his cheek. He is so cute. He was blushing and it made him more cute.

"You never told me your name. Who is your name?"

"Me?" he nodded, "Just call me handsome boy!" He acted like he wanted to puke. I laughed. He was so cute. Whatever he did, always so cute in my eyes.

"Tell me your name!"

"It is a secret!" I teased him. He pout.

"Fine!" he seems mad, "I will call you Sun then!"

"Sun? Why?"

"Because you always smiling. You always happy. And you make my day more fun. You make me happy. Just like the sun!" he told me. I smiled when I heard that from him. I never thought he was thinking about me like that.

"If like that, just call me Sun then. I like that name!"

"Really?" he sound excited.

"Mmm" I reaplied, "Really, cute mushroom!"

----- End of Flash Back -----


I went to my faculty and my mind still thought about my childhood friend. Mushroom. He still came in my mind. I was thinking about him. Where he is now? What he look like? Does he still remember about me? I missed him.

No. No. No. It was wrong. I shouldn't think about him. It was wrong to miss him right now because I already have Oh now. He is my future. The cute mushroom was a past. I should leave the past being past and cared about my future, not my past. Yeah, I should care about Oh more and work more harder to make him fall for me.

"Copper!" Peach called my name. I looked at her who was standing far away in front of me. She waved her hand. I smiled at her.

"Feeling better now?" she asked me, "How is your father? Is he okay?"


"Good!" she said, "Here!"

She gave me her book. It was a note that she wrote for me when I absence. All I could do is thanked her.

"You have same necklace like Inn? Where do you guys bought it? I wanted to buy it for my nephew!"

"Do you mean this necklace?" I touched my necklace. She nodded. "This is my necklace. Inn just borrowed it"

"Ooo... I thought you bought the same necklace as him" she told me, "But Oh has the same one by the way. His necklace is white!"

I was surprised of what she said. She told me Oh has the same necklace as mine? The white one? Is it true?

So, Oh is the cute mushroom who I met when I was kid? He is the cute mushroom? Is it a miracle? Is it fate? Yeah, I think so. The cute mushroom and my Oh is the same person. I couldn't believe it!

Someone I missed the most and someone I love the most are same person. Oh, my cute mushroom. As I remembwred again, they have lot of similarities. The way they are smiling, the way they are shy, the way they are blushing, the way they are talking, is the same. Why I never realised about it? How stupid I am! You are such a fool, Copper! I blamed myself.

"How do you know?"

"I had seen he wore it before. It was...."

I didn't wait until she finish her sentences and ran away to the parking lot. I drove my car to engineering and called Inn.

"Do you have class this morning? Is Oh with you?"

"No, we don't. Why?"

I hang up the phone and drovemy car to his dorm. I ran to reach his room. I knocked his door. No answer. I tried to call him. Still no answer. I knocked it again and again and tried to call him over and over again. Still no answer. I looked at the necklace on my hand.

I heard someone opened the door. It from beside his dorm. It was Sun. He looked at me.

"He is not come yet" he said. He scanned me from head to toe. He looked me with blank expression.

"So..." he spoke again, "Finally you remember him!"


Drama will start from now 😉

Next chapter we will back to Oh POV

See you in next chapter

Heart Beat [Fall For You Again]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang