[4] What Do You Want?

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It has been two weeks I lived myself in the dorm. It was the hardest thing I ever felt so far in my life. I never felt like this before. I thought everything will be went smooth like I thought. But I was wrong. Everything was difficult to me. Everything was far from I thought. And it because one person. It has been changed since I met him. Copper.

I didn't know what he has done to me. As I remembered, he never done something to me. We only saw each other but since that, my heart felt so hurt. Everyday my heart is missing him. I swear I am straight so far I know. But with him, I just don't know what happen to me. I felt different with him. I just didn't know what I felt about him.

This feeling is killing me. If I could, I wanted to turn back time and never wanted to meet him, so I wouldn't feel suffering like this.

"Hallo, Oh?"

"Hallo, aunty" I tried to hold my tears. I tried not to cry when I heard her voice. I didn't want to make her worried about me. I wanted to assure her I am okay by myself, even tho right now I am not fine at all.

"Is everything okay, Oh?"

"Mmm" I answered tried to sound fine, "I am okay, aunty. I just feel tired and I miss you and uncle"

"You should take a rest, honey. Don't get sick" she sound so concerned about me. She always treated me like her own child. Same as uncle. They pampered me with love and they treated me like their own youngest child.

"Do you want me to come visit you?"

"No need aunty. I am fine. I don't want to bother you. I know you and uncle are busy"

"Non sense. You never bother us. I will come to visit you soon!"

Well, no one could stop her to do what she wanna do. If she said this, she will do this. If she said that, she will do that. She is true with her words. And I loved her because of that. She is a cool and lovely aunty for me. She is like my own mother for me.

I went back to sleep after I talked to her. I felt at ease after talked to her. I felt peace. Just for a moment. I hoped it would be more longer. But you know, hope will only be hope. It is hard to be true. And I should deal with that.

I should deal if my heart will be hurted again.


I am a man with his word. Well, at least I tried to be true with my words. As I told him I would try my best to avoid him, and I did. He haven't been seen me in a week. Although my heart wanted to see him so bad, but I tried to hold it. I knew I was hurting my own heart, but what I could do. I have had promised him not to meet him again.

Sun, Nam and I at my faculty's canteen. I didn't know why they had to eat here. They have their own canteen but they always spend their break time with me.

"Why you always have a break in here? Why not spend your break time in your faculty"

"I am here to accompany you" Sun answered.

"About me, I am here because Sun will treat me if I follow him here" Nam told me, "And I am here because I heard if engineering is full of handsome guys!"

She is...what I should called her? I don't know. Let's just say she is cool. Yeah, she is so cool. She has a charm.

"Speaking of handsome guy, here comes my handsome guy!" she felt excited suddenly, "Handsome guy, over here. Come here!" she waved her hand and called Inn to sit with us.

Everyone looked at us. I felt so embarrassed. But two peoples in front of me seem not bothered about our surroundings. Inn smiled at her and came sat beside me. He sat in front of Sun.

"Why are you here?" Sun asked him. He seem so annoyed with Inn near him.

"Well, your friend asked me to sit here with you. So..."

"Don't be so mean Sun. If you don't like it, we can change our seat!" Nam scolded him.

"But I don't mind if he sits here. I like the view in front of me" Inn said. Sun look so unpleasant. He didn't like it. He moved and changed his seat with Nam.

"So, his name is Sun?" Inn asked Nam. She nodded and gave him big smile.

"It suits his face. I like it!"

Sun choked his drink when he heard that. He gave Inn a glare. A death glare. I thought, he really didn't like Inn. The way he treated Inn, I am positive about it.

"Are you trying to hit on my friend?" Nam asked him.

"Well.... I don't know" he looked at Sun, "So, what do you think, sunshine?"

"Don't ever you dare to try me!" Sun threatened him. Inn just gave him sly smiled.

"I won't" Inn said, "But I will let you to try me!"


Sun blushed. I thought he never met someone who would tease him like Inn did to him. I found it was cute. Well, I am open minded anyways. Love is love. So, everyone can love someone equally. Gender is no matter for me. As long people happy with their choice, it is the only matter.


I walked out from my faculty. My class ended very late today. It was already dusk when the class ended. I walked alone. Not I am afraid or anything. I am used to it. But after I met Nam and Sun, being alone is not a choice. They always there with me. So, being alone felt so weird to me now.

Someone popped up in front of me. It made me startled. I wanted to scream but that person stopped me. He covered my mouth.

"It is me. Look, it is me!" he said. I looked at him. It is Copper.

"What are you doing here?"

"I don't know"


"I don't know why I am here"

Really? He is here but he doesn't know the reason why he is here? Is he crazy?

"Well, can you please move from my way? I want to go home and you block me!"

"Let me drive you home"

"No need. I can go home by myself!"

Really? This guy, what he wants? Last time he told me to stay away from him but now why he out of sudden popped up in front of me and wants to drive me home?

He stopped me to walk away. He held my hand and pulled me to stay. I let go of his hand on my hand. I stared at him.

"What do you want? Are you playing with me? Why are you doing this to me?" I was mad at him.

"I... I don't know" he said, "I wish I could tell you, but I am sorry. I don't know why I am here" He appologized me. We became silent aftet that. We just stayed quiet for sometimes.

"I don't know what happens to me" he spoke up, "I only know, I want to meet you. No. I have to meet you. To see you. You make me like this!"


I am curious why Copper becomes like that 😕 what happens to him?

And for Inn and Sun, I changed their character again 😅
I make Inn become the flirt one and Sun be the one who will recieve the tease 😂😂
Well, I like to play with them lol


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