[20] The Necklaces

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Copper POV


My feet felt like so heavy. I couldn't walk properly. My mind was blank. My heart was hurt. My eyes seems blured. I bumped to some people for several times. Some of them yelled at me. I appologized them.

The words that my mom told me before kept playing in my head. I hoped what she said was a lie. I hoped it was a joke.

"Your dad killed someone"

I walked in to my dad's room. He still there. He was lying down on the bed. He look so peaceful. How could he look like that after all what he did? Is he a father who I knew? Is he my father who I respect? Is he my father who I thought as my hero? Is him the same person who I know all along?

I cried. In silent. My tears was running down to my face. I looked at him. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to hate him, but I couldn't. I wanted to scream on him but I can't. I just kept holding my fist.

"What have you done, dad?" I said, "Why you do this to me?"

----- Flash Back -----

"It is not what you think, son" my mom told me, "It was an accident"

I didn't know what to say. My mind was blank. I couldn't process anything. I couldn't think of anything. Is this real? My dad?

"They got car accident" she spoke up, "It was an accident. Your father tried to avoid to crash a young boy who crossed the street, but that turned to be worse. A car came from different direction. They tried to avoid each pther but the other car crashed and that married couple got injuried so bad. Your father tried to help them but...."

My mom didn't end her words. She couldn't. She was crying. I didn't know whta to do. I didn't know what to say.

"I am sorry, son" she said, "We are sorry!"

----- End of Flash Back -----


I back to Bangkok. I arrived at night. I went to his dorm building. I saw him walked. He seem so down. I missed him. I missed him so much. I ran to him. I hugged him from back. I buried my face on his shoulder.

"Please don't ever hate me, Oh! Please don't hate me because I love you, Oh. I really love you!"

I didn't want him to hate me. I afraid he would hate me if he knew I am a son of a murder. I afraid he would go away from me. I afraid he would leave me. I didn't want it happens.

I love him. I really love him. I want him by my side. Forever. I didn't want he leaves me alone. I wanted to spend my life with him. Only with him. But this happens. I afraid everything would be change. I afraid I couldn't be with him. Just thinking about it, hurts me alot.

I had a dream. It was nightmare. I saw him left me. I saw him looked at me with hate. He hated me. He left me alone. I cried his name but he never turned back. He kept walking away from me. I woke up. I saw him beside me. He looked at me with worried in his face. I told him not to leave me. He promised me. I felt at ease. I hugged him tight. I didn't want to let him go. I wanted to feel him close to me. I back to sleep again.

He woke me up. He told me to eat porridge. It was morning. I still got fever. I pulled him back to sleep but he kept trying to make me get up. I gave up when he said I could kiss him when I get better. I ate the porridge and went to shower after that.

He gave me clean clothes. I got change. I hugged him from back again. I told him how much I missed him. I liked to hug him. I loved to hug him. He is so warm. He made me felt so warm. I spin him to face me.

"I promise, I won't leave you again. I will always come for you, my cute mushroom!"

He felt dizzy. I held him. I walked him to bed. He sat on the edge of the bed. He told me not to leave him. I promised him if I would never leave him. I will always be with him. I hugged him to make sure if I was there with him. I hugged him tight to make him felt my presence.


When he called that name again, I felt in pain. It wasn't me who he wanted to stay with him. It wasn't me who he wanted to not let go. It wasn't me who he meant. It was Sun. I felt hurt. I was hurted. It was freakin hurt.

I kept laying beside him. He was sleeping. I stroked his hair. He was in deep sleep. I could see his calm face. He is okay, I guess. I moved. I got up. I went out. I went back to my dorm. Maybe this time too, I should go out from his life. Maybe.


I was in Rama Bridge. Inn with me. He gave me accompany. He didn't say anythinh. Just be there for me. Sometime we need someone who will be there for us, even though they doesn't say anything. It was enough.

"Maybe I should give up on him" I said.


"He doesn't love me"

"How do you know?"

"He loves Sun..." I got hit on my head, "Ouch. What is that?"

"That is for your stupidness!" he look angry, "How come you think stupid thing like that?" he yelled.


"Stop thinking like that!" he told me, "I told you. He doesn't love Sun and Sun doesn't love him like what your stupid brain thought!"

"How do you know?"

"Because Sun told me!" he replied, "And for your information, Sun will me my boyfriend. I will make him to be mine. So, don't worry about it!"

We went silent again. We just enjoy the night breeze in Rama Bridge. It was so nice to be here. It made me feel so peace. It helped me to clear my mind.

"Here!" Inn gave me something. I looked at it. It was a small box. I opened it. I saw a necklace. I smiled.

"I think it is the right time to return it to you" he said, "You need your luck, I guess!"

I took that necklace. I wear it. It was my necklace that I let him borrowed years ago. It was for his luck. Now, it is back to me again. It is mine. My necklace.

"I love you, Oh" I mumbled, "I won't give up on you"

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"I love you, Oh" I mumbled, "I won't give up on you"


Everything is clear now 😉
Copper and Oh have same necklace. A couple necklace 😍😍

Next chapter we will throw back at 10 years ago when Copper was a kid 😁

See you in next chapter

Heart Beat [Fall For You Again]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora