21- Pack Ceremony

Start from the beginning

"Tom! Would you get me a glass of water." Caine called out to a worker. Tom nodded back to him and fled off to grab it.

"You know you don't have to do that." I told him, pulling away from his chest and resting my arms on his shoulders.

"Do what?"

"Talk to everyone like you're a cold-hearted beast." I snickered as he blinked in confusion.

Tom came back with two glasses of water and I took both of them from him.

"Thank you, Tom. Is this second one for me," he nodded as I said it,"Well thank you." My voice had a smoother style to it, unlike Caine's rougher one.

Tom's scared countenance relaxed and he smiled back at me,"Your very welcome, Alpha."

"Okay, okay. That's enough with the googly eyes, Tom. Back to work." Caine commanded, putting his hand on my shoulder.

I sighed and pushed his hand off my shoulder. I shook my head at him then walked off the stage to tend the flowers in their vases.

"What did I do?" He called out after me, jumping off the stage and following me to the flowers. He wrapped his arms around me and put his nose in the crook of my neck.

I sighed,"You're too hard on everyone. Chill and be kind to people. All you'll get is respect."

"Respect is what I want." He said after kissing my neck.

"Well I don't just want that. I want admiration and I want to be more of a mother figure. If you want to play bad cop, that's fine. But I'm going to play against you and be good cop." I explained, turning around and facing him. I looked into his eyes and found him looking straight into mine.

He leaned down and slowly locked our lips together in a kiss. Once he pulled apart, he kept my face at a small distance and putting my nods against his.

"I'll try hard to be nicer, I promise." He whispered.

"Good luck!" Selene told me, before heading to her seat for the ceremony.

My hands shook and I constantly felt a pounding pain in my head from my nervousness.

I clasped my hands together, behind my back, and strode onto the stage once the Elders called my name.

"We are gathered here today..." One of the Elders started the ceremony.

I had already known it was going to be a long evening, since I had a ton of pack members.

I stood up from my chair and the Elders pulled me into the middle of their circle. I was pulled into an instinctual state by their magic and was instantly forced to shift.

As told, I shifted into a white lion which showed purity and rarity. I knew what would happen next.

The Elders would use all the magic that they could to force me to shift into my human form, and my job was to pull back from that force and isolate myself so I wouldn't transform into my human form.

It had seemed hard when I learned about it in all the books I'd read, to study, because they all said it was painful and extremely difficult. But, to me, it was perfectly easy.

I looked up to each Elder and saw that their faces were calm but sweating and red with hard focus.

I was tiring them and beating them all together. I wondered what made me so different and powerful.

Would it be just as easy for Johnnie? Was it my kind that was too powerful for them? Or maybe I'm just that good...

The Elders I clasped each other's hands and waited for me to grow slightly taller and bigger.

I hadn't realized they had already entered the pack DNA into me. I felt myself grow five inches taller and slightly more muscular.

I kneeled down then pushed up and let out a loud, strong roar. I watched as my pack member's eyes widened and they gasped.

I got a little excited and shook my head and mane. The crowd laughed and nodded and smiled at me.

So that part went well!

Next, the members of my pack each came up to me and I touched my fingertips to their temples and connected my set pack bond to theirs.

The members that used to be part demon had been given the bite and had enough time to shift into their new Were form, which made it possible for the connection to work.

All of it settled smoothly and by the end of the night, we were finished and I had finally had a pack.

And just to make sure everything was cool and working between all my pack members, I sent out a message.

Good night everyone. I'm ecstatic and privileged to be your Alpha.


Sorry it was so short!

Yay! How was it? Did you enjoy it?

Sorry I hadn't posted in a long time. I had writer's block! But I'm back!

Next chapter is the last one. It will be the epilogue!




Love y'all,



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