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Well shit! It's almost over. TWO more chapters!

Not that I have anything against Percy Jackson, because I love it but...

I've been thinking: In the Percy Jackson movie series(well there's actually only two but...) if Camp Halfblood is in the middle of a forrest right outside of a city then why aren't the humans suspicious. I mean I know the mist masks things, but it can't mask the way the force field would knock you away from the camp.



What movie confuses you?

Like really confuses you, to the point of being pissed off.



The air smelt of pain and disease that caused me to cough, as if that would help the smell go away.

Everything was either white or grey in the hospital. The chairs, walls, doors, desks, floors, etc. etc.

I held Selene's hand as we rolled her gurney to a private hospital room. She was still smiling since Terrence joined us.

I was smiling too. I was happy that she felt true love and I was just happy that she was happy.

I held hands with Caine and put my head on his shoulder as Selene was looked at by the doctors.

"Isn't this dangerous? Doctors looking at a shifter?" I asked, worrying about what we've done.

"They're all trustworthy. All of the doctors are either shifters or they're close, background checked, friends of shifters. Some of them are taught from birth to be a doctor and protect shifters." Caine explained.

"You're my hero, you know that?"

"You're the hero, Cor. You sacrificed your life for everyone else's." Caine answered me, bringing up our locked hands and kissing each of my fingers.

"Aiden's a hero too. At least, he was. He died for me. He died so that we could be together. He wanted or wants us to be together." I told Caine, looking up to the ceiling. I was hoping Aiden could hear me. Hear me talk about how he died so that I'd be happy.

He wouldn't die in vain. Even if he hadn't told me, I still would've loved him all the same.

"I remember that that's what Aiden always wanted to do. He always talked about how the best way to die would be by dying as a hero to someone else." Caine pulled me closer, tighter to him and kissed the top of my head.

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