Chapter 22

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The next day, Tom, Nathan and Siva sat in the stands and watched Max's game.

"Fuck you Welch!" Tom shouted out.

Nathan checked his phone again.

No new messages.

Tom sat back down. "So what happened to Mr. Wonderful?"

"He couldn't make it." Nathan sad sadly.

Tom put his arm around Nathan's neck and pulled his head into a headlock. "You can still have fun with your mates Nath for fucks sake."

Nathan pushed away. "I know that. I am having fun."

Tom shook his head.

Siva was a bit more sympathetic than Tom was. He leaned into Nathan's ear. "Did something happen last night?"

Nathan shook his head. "No, we had a very nice time. I am just a bit bummed he could not meet you lot today."

Siva patted Nathan on the knee and squeezed it in comfort. "Sometime soon I'm sure."

Nathan nodded.

Tom noticed Nathan's phone buzzing as he spoke with Siva.

He grabbed it. "FeFe is calling."

Nathan shoved him lightly. "Piss off." He said then answered. "Hello."

"How is the game going?"

"It's a bit boring. Max hasn't done much yet."

"Did he score a touchdown?"

Nathan closed his eyes and shook his head. "It's not a touchdown. It is a goal."

"A touchdown goal then."

Nathan chuckled to himself. "It's just a goal."

"Oh." Felix said then took a breath. "Anywho...I wanted to know if we were all still meeting up for din din?"

"Yeah. I'll ring you once we decide okay?"

Tom overheard him.

"Talk to you later." Nath said then hung up.

"Foof is coming to dinner?"

"Will you stop calling him names."

Tom put his hands up as if surrendering. "Did you not get fucked last night cause you seem a bit pissy."

"Fuck off, Parker."

"Easy over there." Siva said trying to keep the peace.

Nathan held his phone and shook his leg as if anxious about something.

"Do you need to piss?" Siva asked.

"No. Sorry." Nathan said trying to stop shaking.

"What is wrong?"

"I'm trying not to text him." He admitted.


Nathan sighed. "Cause he clearly said he was busy today. If I text him I will seem clingy."

"That sounds ridiculous. If you like him, I am sure he would like to hear from you." Siva said with encouragement.

Nathan looked pleased with Siva's rationalization of the situation.

It only took two seconds for Tom to chime in. "Fuck that shit. You will seem clingy and by the way, I don't like what this jerk off is doing to you. Look at yourself Nath. You are all on edge and distant and..."

"Just because you don't know what love is..."Siva chimed in.

Tom turned to him. "I know what love is. I also know what stalking is as well."

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