chapter 1 In the Beginning

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In the Beginning

Two deamons stand at a precipice. Each afraid of falling into the abyss. "I don't want to go down there," grumbles the first. He is Anger. A general deamon but very powerful. Very dangerous. Much like fire. Ok, if contained. Wild and possibly all-consuming on his own. The second is Rejection. Also, common but not as common as Anger. He does not jump from person to person the way Anger does, but he is dangerous when contained. In fact, contained is where he is most comfortable. Tucked in a mind somewhere feeding away at love and light in general. He is all bad. A horrible virus almost always fatal. It is said that one of his brothers accompanies Satan himself since the very day he broke from the Creator and has been his constant companion ever since. So, close some say that Satan might want to serve the Lord again, but is so attached to rejection that he will never go without him. Satan is stuck is making everyone pay. So, this Anger and this Rejection stand at the abyss. So miserable in hell they think maybe it's better to fall into the nothing rather than stick with, "the One", "the Fallen". Unlike people they have to serve someone. No choice there. Well no good choice. Deamons have to serve. God will not have them and Satan, well, like they say, misery loves company.

Rejection has keen ears. Fine-tuned antenna that pick up more than he likes outside of a body. That's why his type prefer being incased so much. Quiets the noise. Makes existence bearable. Standing at the abyss quiets things too. Noise really doesn't shoot out of an abyss. You may imagine it is like a canyon but really it is not like a canyon at all. No wind rushes through an abyss. Even a slight wind through a canyon is really noisy if you are like rejection who hears e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. The abyss is more like absolute darkness. It's there and its huge. You cannot see in it so you don't know what's in there or if there is anything at all. It's the ultimate being lost. The essence of being lost.

It is God that gave order, arranged everything. The great creator, architect, whatever, listen it is GOD. You get it. When they fell from him it separated them from him by way of this huge abyss.

Now here is the trick. Or at least here is the rumor. No one on this side of the abyss really knows except maybe, Satan. Well, they are pretty sure he knows, but they are not in the inner circle you know, so it is just a guess. Deamons in his inner circle go missing all the time and he doesn't seem bothered, Satan that is. So, they think that is unusual, cause, like, everything bothers Satan. Well the rumor is that if you take a rejection deamon to the abyss he can listen and hear a troubled soul in the womb. You jump out toward the sound land in the soul and bam you're closer. You know you may not be in heaven and all, but your back in God's creation! The rumor is Satan sends deamons that way all the time. "So why not us," Rejection squeals. He just hates it here in hell. If he is lost in the abyss or lands somewhere better it is all the same. Anger does not remember making the mistake of falling in with the rest of the crowd and going against God behind Satan, but he does know hell is not for him.

"So, do you hear anything?" Anger asks. "Shhh," Rejection whispers. He will hear the soul Anger will not so Anger needs to build up more nerve for the leap. Jumping into nothingness not knowing goes against every instinct. It's against knowing entirely. Against so much that is in Anger. Nothing is nothing to fight. So, to build up his nerve Anger thinks of the never-ending misery in hell. The agony of not fitting in. Of having no one and no purpose. Rejection has helped me with all this. Whispered in his ear so many times. Your lonely. Your worthless. You have no meaning. He went on and on until Anger wanted to jump just so he would shut up. So, as he listens Anger imagined his squealy voice in his being. Over and over again. It made Anger nuts. Made him really ready to jump whether he heard anything or not. Absolutely apey he got from imagining Rejection's voice in his head. He knows he can hear well, but he never knew just how well. The better a rejection deamon hears the higher their rank. Anger ponders, if he heard well enough to hear something from across the abyss then why had he not been brought into the inner circle. Oh no, maybe this is the end, Anger thinks.

Rejection has been hearing things but has not let onto to Anger. He needs to concentrate. To hear that just right one. A soul in a certain bad way. This might be it. He holds up one finger to let Anger know to be ready. Then his finger twirls and steadily speeds up. He is tuning in the faster the twirl the better the prospect, get ready. No time to think Anger crouches over ready to grasp rejections tail. Thumbs down and Rejection is jumping. Anger grabs his tail and they are off into darkness. Anger thought it would feel like jumping off a cliff. That was the way the originals described it when they separated from God. This is not like that. This is not like floating in space either. This is like nothing at all. They were there. Then they were not, for some undefinable time it. It is on the edge of not existing at all. Like getting the wind knocked out of you. That time where you are afraid you may never catch your breath again. Their first leap was all it took to get there. That's why it was so important to have Rejection listen and pinpoint exactly which way to leap.

They are in the baby which is in a womb. The baby is still hearing the words. The same words Rejection heard forming across the abyss. "We can't afford him. We really should abort him. It'd be better for him," the mother insists. Anger thinks of himself. What would happen to him if they aborted this child. Would he be tossed in the abyss? A secret he kept from Rejection was that he hoped somehow during this child's life a way to be redeemed. He dare not think this thought to loudly now or when he was in hell. Especially the keen eared Rejection deamon that stayed close to him. All deamons being backstabbers by nature. Anyone would have alerted Satan immediately then who knows what might have happened. Being in hell was agony enough. Anger flustered at the mother's words. He could feel the pain the words caused baby. Rejection shushed him. He had been there just a nanosecond before Anger but that and his hearing made him the boss deamon. "This is what we need," whispered Rejection. Babies in the womb were more aware of spirits. We need to be quiet until we are strong enough and had a firm hold. "This mother has her own deamons. She has a rejection deamon as well. I can hear it whispering words to her. She won't abort. Her deamons aren't strong enough to push her to do that. She will just hurt the boy so we can get a foot hold in here," Rejection whispers then focuses back on his listening. Anger is learning that rejection deamons do a lot of listening.

Anger sits back for months learning a lot. This boy has a powerful spirit. Taking in so much pain and fighting through it. At times Anger thinks the baby will die. Rejection grows every time the parents fight. These parents think horrible things about how this baby will ruin their lives. Lives that they have not got to enjoy yet. Much of these is thoughts are brought on by deamon whispers inside the parents. Our Rejection deamon has such acute hearing picking up on the thoughts and deamon whispers in the parent's minds. Then whispers this gleamed information back to the baby causing tiny painful cracks and fissures in the babies being. Only to work himself as a paste in those cracks. Rejection and the baby become close. All Rejection's work gave birth to another deamon Isolation.

Rejection pulls all the strings. He is a maestro of pain. Seeing him work Anger is shocked he was never in the inner circle of hell. He knew his business. Perhaps there is more at work here. We were born.         

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