The Repercussions of the Repercussions and... Holy Crap, You're A What?

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Nico was eating breakfast the following morning when he felt the death.

It hit him in the chest like an invisible mallet, driving into his gut. The piece of muffin fell from his mouth, half chewed, as Nico gripped the table for support. The room swayed. Shoving his chair back, Nico ran from the room. His head throbbed as he sprinted. He followed his instinct and the sense of death.

He stumbled upon the room with the chasm. Not hesitating in the slightest, Nico ran up to the railing and leaned over, straining his neck to see who had died.

His breath caught in his throat.


"We're here because Albert, an initiate, jumped into the chasm last night."

Reyna wrapped her arm around Tris, who stiffened. Nico kept his gaze downcast. Annabeth glanced at Percy, who was looking firmly ahead at Eric.

"We do not know why," said Eric, "and it would be easy to mourn the loss of him tonight. But we did not choose a life of ease when we became Dauntless. And the truth of it is..." Eric smiled, the muscles in his jaw twitching. "the truth is, Albert is now exploring an unknown, uncertain place. He leaped into vicious waters to get there. Who among us is brave enough to venture into that darkness without knowing what lies beyond it? Albert was not yet one of our members, but we can be assured that he was one of our bravest!"

Will wrapped his arm around Christina. Percy's face flooded with even more guilt, if that was possible. Then he turned and quickly slipped away, so subtly that Annabeth only noticed when his warm presence vanished. She nudged Thalia and Reyna and followed him. The two girls and Nico trailed behind.

"Can I have some space?" Percy asked without turning around.

"It wasn't your fault, Percy," said Reyna gently. "He's been looking miserable for weeks."

Percy spun on his heel to face her. "Not my fault?" He echoed. "Reyna, I punched him in the face and told him to go to hell. And he DID."

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair before turning and continuing to the dormitory. "This isn't what we came to do."

"Yeah, but when do we ever know what we came to do?" Annabeth asked. "Never. That's the point. The gods don't tell us this stuff, and we have to figure it out."

"A-holes," Thalia muttered.

"So really, it's all their fault this happened," Reyna added soothingly.

"Isn't everything?"

"Yeah. And as their designated pawns, we have to clean up their mess." Nico said with a sympathetic pat on Percy's arm. "It's like a contract you signed when you were born a demigod."

"You're a what?" A voice suddenly echoed loudly as they turned the corner of the hallway.

Tris stood with Four, looking at the five, stunned. Her cheeks were flushed and she was breathing slightly heavier than was normal. Four was standing abnormally close with his arm around her waist.

"Hahaha..." laughed Thalia nervously. "We were just joking around—"

Tris narrowed her eyes. "No. Something's been off about you five from the first day. You're supposedly Abnegation but I'd never seen you a day in my life. You speak that weird language and you're all top in the phases and all this talk now of gods and demigods and you!" She stared at Percy. "I thought I was hallucinating, but I wasn't, was I?"

Percy looked helplessly at Four, who shrugged and moved his hand up to her shoulder. "You're not thinking straight—" he said, uncharacteristically caring.

Tris smacked his hand off her. "You know?" She asked incredulously. "You know what— what they are? 'Cause they sure as hell aren't Abnegation transfers!"

Four, Annabeth, Thalia, Reyna, and Nico stared at Percy.

"This is your fault," Thalia muttered, digging her heel into Percy's toe.

"Why is everything my fault?" Percy demanded.

"Because you flipping gave everything away!" She said, hands spread. "I'm guessing you used your fancy Poseidon-powers on Tris too."

"She fell into the Chasm!" Percy defended. "What, would I just let her die?"

Tris was looking more angry and bewildered by the moment. "But when Al pitched himself over, you let him die?"

Immediately, her icy blue eyes softened as Percy's jaw hardened.

"I'm sorry," she said meekly.

"You sure as hell better be," Annabeth growled, staring down the other blonde.

"Hey, now!" a very alarmed Nico stepped between them. "Let's not cause another casualty today."

"Not helping!" Annabeth and Tris shot back.

"See, we're all on the same page now. Group hug?" Thalia asked sarcastically.

"Guys," Reyna interrupted. "Explaining?"

Tris leaned against the wall. "So you really aren't normal people."

"Nope," said Percy, popping the P.

"Are you—" the word fell silently off her lips. Four shot her a warning look, and Tris pressed her lips together. "Never mind. Proceed."

"No," warned Four. "Not now. I have no doubt that a hallway in the middle of the compound is the last thing security is watching, but there's always that chance. I'm telling you, the Chasm is the only place without any cameras. The Chasm or the train."

"Who drives the train?" Thalia asked suddenly.

"I don't think that's the most important thing to be considering right now," said Tris crossly.

"You have a day off tomorrow," said Four sharply. "If you need an excuse for Christina and Will, come up with one. Train passes at 6:25 A.M."

As of 4/29, I'm currently drowning in stress so the updates will be very very slow

The Bonds of Unity || A Percy Jackson Divergent crossoverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن