Join the Ethan Nakamura Club

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The ranks were up.Reyna peered around the side of the initiates, scanning the names scratched on the chalkboard.

1. Percy
2. Peter
3. Reyna
4. Will
5. Annabeth
6. Christina
7. Tris
8. Thalia
9. Nico
10. Molly
11. Drew
12. Al

Molly's face was red with rage.

"What?" She exclaimed, pointing at Christina accusingly. "How is she higher than me? I beat her! I beat her!"

"So?" Christina asked smugly, her arms folded.

"You were also beaten every time following," Four snapped. "So I suggest that if you wish to gain a higher rank than bottom three, you need to start trying."

Molly turned to Tris, her face a mask of fury. "You," she snarled. "You're going to pay for this."

She turned on her heel and stalked out the door.

Peter, surprisingly, hadn't said a word. He simply sat on the bed and tied his shoe casually.

Reyna watched him uneasily. He couldn't be satisfied with second place. Not Peter.

Percy didn't look worried in the slightest as he smiled, fist bumping Will.

"Look at you, number 7!" Christina grinned, slapping Tris on the back.

Tris's brow was furrowed but she smiled anyways.


That night, Annabeth lay awake, staring up at the ceiling. She didn't know if anyone else was awake either, the room was pitch black. She couldn't fall asleep, but a gentle breathing in the bunk underneath her told her that Percy was sound asleep, as usual. But as hard as she tried, sleep evaded her.

Suddenly there was a squeak of a shoe on the floor. Annabeth rolled over and lifted her head up, but her eyes couldn't see more than varying shades of black and jet black.

She tensed.

A bloodcurdling yell pierced the air.

It came from the bed beneath her. And she knew the voice in an instant.

"Turn on the light!" Thalia yelled. There was a rustle of someone running, and the lights flickered on.

Percy lay on the ground, clutching his face as he lay in a pool of blood. He curled up, and Annabeth could see his chest heaving. Mouth deprived of any moisture, she bent down and gently placed a hand on his back. He twitched and shuddered at the contact.

"Annabeth," he muttered, his voice laced with pain. Annabeth spotted a silver knife handle jutting between his fingers. Her stomach knotted, then unknotted as it was filled with rage. But she had to calm down before she accidentally hurt Percy.

"Annabeth," he groaned again. "There's a knife in my eye."

Annabeth could feel a hysterical laugh bubbling up in her but she forced it down.

"I know," Annabeth muttered.

"Get it out."

"We have to let the doctor take it out," Annabeth said gently, her voice cracking. "If we take it out now, you might die of blood loss."

"I won't," Percy promised. He hadn't moved from
his fetal position, fingers clutching his face. He mustn't have been strong enough to stop the blood flow because it hadn't ceased to trickle.

There was a noise in the doorway, and Annabeth looked up to see the Dauntless nurse.

"Stand back," she said gently. Annabeth shook her head.

The Bonds of Unity || A Percy Jackson Divergent crossoverWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt