What's The Point if There Are No Cookies?

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"Another trip?" Percy ran his fingers over his eyes as if trying to wipe away the sleepiness. "We just got back from one!"

"Two days ago," Annabeth said as she yanked off his blankets. "Come on, I think we're doing something fun."

"On whose standards? Because there's a difference between Four's kind of fun and Eric's kind of fun."

Reyna's eyes glinted. "Both."

"All I needed to hear was that Four was okay with it," Nico said with a sigh. He sluggishly popped on his shoes when a shadow fell over him. Freezing, he slowly looked up.

"Is there a problem with me being okay with it?" Eric asked, his mouth twisting into a smile. But it didn't reach his eyes, which were as cold and pitiless as a snake's.

"No problem at all, sir." Nico spat the title with contempt, watching in satisfaction at the flicker of hatred in Eric's eyes.

"Five minutes to get to the tracks," he yelled to the room. Then he turned on his heel and stalked out of the room. Christina watched him with distaste, her long legs still bare.

"I hate him."

"The feeling's mutual," Thalia said. "Come on, I don't want to miss this."

"Is it mandatory?" Percy whined, flopping back on his bed fully clothed.

Thalia kicked him none to gently. "Yes. Get up."

It was dark on the roof, but not dark enough to miss the massive pile of--

"Paintballs?" Percy asked incredulously, his hand hovering over a small box. It was small enough to fit in his pocket.

"Everyone grab a gun!" Four yelled. When everyone had a gun, he took his own and slung it across his back.

A loud blaring noise indicated that the train was on it's way. Thalia backed up, the familiar thuds of her heart pounding in her throat, and leapt on the train. The gun clunked uncomfortably on her back, nearly catching on the door and pulling her back out.

"We will be dividing into two teams to play capture the flag. Each team will have an even mix of members, Dauntless-born initiates and transfers. One team will get off first and find a place to hide their flag, then the second team will get off and do the same."

"Capture the flag?" Percy asked, his face lighting up.

"Hunters always win." Thalia stuck her tongue out back.

"What do we get if we win?" An initiate shouted.

"Cookies!" Percy yelled hopefully. Four pinned him with a hard gaze.

"No, not cookies. You get to win, of course."

"What's the point if there are no cookies?" Percy whined to Annabeth, having enough sense to say it under his breath.

"Four and I will be your team captains," Eric said. He glanced at Four. "Let's divide up transfers first, shall we?"

Four tilted his head. "You go first."

Eric shrugged and pinned his snakelike gaze on them. Finally he spoke. "Percy."

Four leaned against the doorframe and watched as Percy reluctantly shuffled over. "I'll take Tris."

A faint undercurrent of laughter filled the car, and Annabeth squeezed Tris' hand sympathetically.

"Got something to prove?" Eric asked, smirking. "Or are you just picking the weak ones so that you'll have someone to blame the loss on?"

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