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"Uhn Uhn Get off" i pushed ken he was trying to lay on me. "Girl I'll smack u" he mumbled walking off.

Lately everybody been at sherhonda house well the girls not really the boys and jania.

I just really love all the kids so I be around them since they love me. Plus Treasure love sherhonda and she always over here.

"Star pass me a diaper" I yawned. She passed me one and i started changed baby k.

"Kentrell gone make me fuck him up" his mom said.

"What he do sherhonda?" Star asked.

"Bought that girl a car" she said. "He soft" teelee said walking through the door. ((Teelee his sister))

"U big as hell Sis" i said she had a baby on the way.

"Girl i know" she laughed, she wobbled up the stairs.

"yooooooo" kd long ass yelled coming in the house. I rolled my eyes knowing it just wasn't him. "They was gone get on my nerves" star mumbled. I nodded in agreement.

I grabbed my backwoods, and bag of weed going to sit outside. I seen all the boys and jania. "Hey p" They all said i spoke to everybody but jania. It wouldn't be no drama between us if she wasn't disrespectful back at the hospital.

I rolled up when they all went in the house. Ion know why he keep bringing her over here when nobody like her they just tolerate her.

I hit my blunt, pulling my phone out scrolling down insta. I decided i was about to go the store.

"I'm bout to go to store y'all want some?" I asked talking to the girls and men.

The boys started commenting, "y'all could've went to the store before y'all got here" i said.

"You a bitter hoe" project said.

"Ya momma bitch" i said. "Need some dick" baby joe mumbled.

"You need some dick? Type gay shit u be on" i mumbled.

"Ken what yo stank ass want" i asked. "Ima text you everything" star said.

"Okay ask teelee do she want some" i said.

Walking out side putting my blunt in my mouth. I started walking down the street. I hate walking pass a group of boys.

I slightly rolled my eyes. "Wassup shorty" one said. I shrugged, "nothing Wassup?" I asked. He laughed.

"She responded?" He was surprised.

"Where u going?" One of his friends asked

"The store" i said.

"We rey walk with u i need some more woods" he said.

I shrugged we started walking down the street. "What's your name?" He asked.

"P" i said smoking. "Just p" one of his friends laughed.

"Princess but everybody call me p" i said. "Oh you used to talk to young boy" one of em said. "No" i said.

"Oh mybad" he said, "u cool what's y'all names?" I asked

"Dj, Ryan, low, Brandon, and Tay" they said.

"Cool" i said putting my blunt out before going in the store. I grabbed what everybody wanted and grabbed what i wanted. I was about to pay but Tay threw his stuff down and payed for both of ours.

"I got you baby" he said. I mean he sexy asf chocolate, he tryna have p in his life forever? 😭 cause once u fuck and it's good, I don't leave except if he do some dumb shit.

"Thank" i grabbed it, the guys payed for them stuff and we left.

"Can i get yo number?" He asked.

"Yea" i said grabbing his phone.

While putting my number in i deleted all hoes out this bitch. I made sure they was hoes cause he got all the hoes in here with numbers by they name.

"Girl What's taking u long" he laughed.

"Gotta find the right emojis" i lied.

He started laughing, "See y'all" i handed his phone back. They said bye and i went in sherhonda house giving them there stuff. "You left yo wallet here what u boonked? I call lee u" star said.

"Oh nah this dude payed for me" i said not even knowing i left my wallet.

"What dude?" Ken asked. "None of yo business" i threw a bag of chips at his face.

Kentrell was staring at me and i flipped him off. He rolled his eyes all dramatically.

"Y'all we should go out tonight!" Jayda said waking up.

"Bitch who wakes up and yells that" boomer straight faced her.

"Where tho?" Kd asked. "Y'all niggas not coming" she mugged them.

"We is" Ben said.

"Well I'm bout to go home let me know and shit" i said.

"Princess can you see if you can find my one chain in our room?"Kentrell asked.

"Yea" i said.

"Y'all still live together" jania mugged.

"Shut the fuck up" kd said i just walked out hoping in my car.

So y'all don't fw the new book the mob should i delete it?

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