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I cried I could barley see I knew I was upside down I was in so much pain and I kept blacking out.

"Where are u stuck at?" He asked

Even though my legs were being crushed to death and my car was crushing my lungs none of the pain compares to how my heart feels right now.

They started the car up to pull me out. My head was spinning blood leaked down my face I looked down at my legs it was so much blood that I passed out.

"Hello?" I groaned sitting up checking the time.

"Father of princess-

"Yes mam" I said quick

"She been Ina bad car accident and is on her way to hilltop hospital-

"I'm on my way" I said

I sat there for a minute thinking. This how indigo died and I was scared to see the results when I got to the hospital I was scared. My girls mean everything to me and it fucked me up that indigo was gone I wasn't tryna loose another child.

I told everybody wassup and slid my shoes on and grabbed my car keys.

It's so much stress in my life. The girls got so much going on I don't even wanna mention the news I just found out cause I know it will break them.

I soon pulled up to the hospitals they told me she had to have surgery sap so I just sat down. Putting my head in my hands.

I thought about how it's my fault if I wasn't in and out of jail at a young age then most of the stuff they been threw would have never happened.

Do u know how it feels to fail your children man that shit is the worst pain ever.


"She loosing to much blood" I heard as a bright light sat over my head, but I didn't see any doctors it was just all black.

I sat up and seen indigo. "Hey princess" she smiled i immediately started crying.

"Indy" I held her I hugged her and I didn't wanna let go.

"Guess what" she smiled happily.

I looked at her, "we gotta niece on the way" she smiled so excited Indy loved kids.

"Who?" I asked thinking she was talking about me for a minute.

"No, treasure shes pregnant" she smiled.

"It's not by ben though" she frowned my face immediately dropped and that's when I knew I didn't wanna go back out to deal with that drama.

"Who's is it" I asked irritated.

"Calm down cause it wasn't her fault" she said

"P, u of anybody know not to jump to conclusions about these kind of things. She was raped a couple weeks ago that's why she brought up that whole incident. P she needs you right now. Look at you, and you need her right now we are sisters and we ain't never let anything come between us don't let it start now" she said i nodded sighing.

"Something's wrong with pops to" she looked down

"What u mean?" I asked " I won't tell u but cool down and stick as close to him as possible" she said

"She's awake" lay said I opened my eyes slowly.

I seen everybody.. I sighed.


Never Broke again #2Where stories live. Discover now