37| "At Least They Acknowledge You."

Start from the beginning


"Oh I am very serious." Normack scoffed while shaking his head with a smile. "Last year, three of the students you met a few months ago put together this marvelous display for the Christmas season. Unfortunately, it displeased a few of the parents that complained that certain beliefs were being forced on them. Not to mention I got an utterly reprehensible remark about Isaac Nettesheim and his sexuality when it had nothing to do with the event."

"Those people are the worst." Dominic remarked.

"I know. However, we still must maintain as much neutrality as possible. I will allow one religious song, one Christmas theme, and then anything else is fair game."

"Wait a second, is this a real event or we are putting up a concert?" Dominic's ears perked up as he raised his hand halfway to his face.

"It is a concert, but it needs spirit, pizzazz, something. It will take place after lunch the last school day before Christmas break. After that, the five of you are free to live out your lives without worrying about what to plan next. It is your last year after all and you should be enjoying it, not agonizing every second of the day."

"You really mean that?" I asked.

Normack nodded and I did too. It felt so strange how this little club was no longer going to be a part of us anymore and therefore we never needed to be meet up again. He gave us a blessing that evolved into a curse. A double-edged sword. No more meetings, then again...no more meetings.

As this revelation began to swirl in my head, Dominic stood up and said, "Is that all?"

"For now."

"So we just need to come up with some ideas in the next few weeks?"

"If you can, yes. It would be much appreciated."

"Alright. We can do that."


Once they were done, Dominic left and I followed after to see him whipping out his phone while I inched closer and told him, "I can't believe this is really it, huh. The last event we have to plan and it's not even that huge."

Dominic didn't respond. I waved a few times before saying, "Uh hello?"

Whatever he was looking at, he was really dialed into as he didn't even bother to look up from his phone. Maybe he heard some news?

"Any word on Johnny or Lyle?" I asked while still not getting a response. "Dominic?"

I saw his eyes light up as he smiled and beamed. "Aw... she sent pictures of her kid."


Dominic held out his phone and showed me. "Look. Elise's ultrasound came up nice and clear."

"I'm confused. She sent you the ultrasound?"


"Oh." I forced a smile and nodded. "I see."

"I'm so happy for her."

"Me too." I chuckled half-heartedly and rubbed my left arm a little. "Is there a particular reason why she shared them with you instead of me?"

"Well that depends. Are you supposed to know?"

"Know what?"

For a moment, Dominic went quiet before he looked away, soon facing me once again. "Right. She only told me."

"Told you what? Is something wrong?"

"You should take it up with her." Dominic answered as he texted Elise back.

"Am I not her friend anymore?"

"Of course not." Dominic scoffed. "You're like the frosting to her cupcake."

"I thought she hated cupcakes?"

"Only the ones with real fruit in them." Dominic simply replied as if he knew Elise better than I did. "Either way, it's really fine. She probably just forgot."

"Of course." I chuckled though deep down I felt the issue was much bigger than he made out to be.

Eventually, Dominic and I walked down the halls where neither of us said a word until he blurted out. "Don't forget to thank Seth for what he did."

"What did he do?"

"He helped Johnny get into the conversion camp to rescue Lyle. I thought you knew that."

"No, I didn't." I snickered at the sheer absurdity of the people I thought were my friends. "Typically friends are open with each other. Friends don't hide behind their secrets. Friends don't forget about their other friends."

"Aria, I totally get it–"

"Yeah, I don't think you do." I folded my arms and rolled my eyes. "At least they feel comfortable telling you these things. Apparently, I'm not supposed to know."

"Oh, you think it's that easy?"

"It sure looks like that."

"Well it's not." Dominic stopped in his tracks and turned to me. I looked up to see his eyes tense up as he stared down at me. "I'll admit, I haven't been the greatest guy but I've been tryin'. I've tried real hard to fix that and now Elise doesn't recoil every time I open my mouth and Johnny doesn't feel the need to fight me every second of the way. I'd call that a win. You've been with these guys more than I have and maybe you're not in a great place, but it beats trying to constantly show you're not a bad person."

"Being forgotten is way worse than being dismissed. At least they acknowledge you. What about me? Am I not relevant enough?"

"Well you got my attention." Dominic's tone softened as he took a step back and eased up on his firm stance. "Listen, I'd just give it time. Now let's say you did know what Johnny was going to do. Wouldn't you try like he'll go stop him?"

"Of course! It's idiotic and he's gonna get himself killed–"

"That's exactly why he didn't tell you. It also shouldn't surprise you that Lyle kept his issues secret too for a very similar reason."

"What reason?"

"He doesn't need to be drowned by your judgment." 

"My judgment?" I laughed hard at that one. "Are you honestly serious right now?"

"If I wasn't, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now."

In that moment, his words struck me in a way I had never been able to comprehend before. I was rendered speechless and was beside myself. Was I really that judgmental towards my friends? Are they really that afraid of me? What's going on here? Then again, this is coming from Dominic, who is in no place to judge himself considering his slew of questionable life choices. He always makes the wrong choices and... Oh my god. He may possibly be right.

I stood there in silence as Dominic sighed and placed his hand on my shoulder with a glum, yet dignified look on his face. "Remember, just because your mess isn't out there, doesn't mean you can criticize the way we've been dealing with ourselves. We may not be making the best choices, but we aren't you. We sure as hell aren't collected the way you are and we ain't as strong like you've always been. Just keep that in mind."

I watched as Dominic gave a subtle nod before leaving while I stood in the hall wondering to myself. Maybe Elise was afraid of what I'd say regarding her pregnancy? Maybe there's something wrong I don't know about that she doesn't want me to know about? Maybe I am being a bit shallow and narrow-minded? If so, then it shouldn't come as a surprise why I feel as alone as I do.

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