„No. My parents would dance in the kitchen, it was when I first knew I wanted love. Sixteen years ago I knew you were the one. It just took fourteen years to finally meet you." It was as if the reminiscent words broke down some stronghold inside the boy, his heart pouring free as his head dropped down to Taehyung's chest and tears began to flow freely; without warning they gushed across his cheeks, filled with relief as he held onto his love tight. „I have waited so long for you, Tae." He choked out, still swaying to the rhythm of the song as Taehyung held his cheek tenderly, hand guiding his waist from side to side.

„I'm here now." Whispered his lover back, dropping his hand to his pocket as he stepped back to admire the beautiful mess his boyfriend had become. Kook looked up through glistening lashes, smiling weakly when he noticed the familiar red velvet box in his hands.

„Are you going to ..."

„No no. This is something you gave me as a sign of your love. It has been my biggest regret that my clouded mind broke it. And that in doing so I damaged your love." It gradually dawned on Kook what exactly was inside the box, his hand tracing his skin before resting over his lip, not blinking as he watches Taehyung reveal the bracelet, silver and gold chain with a small black heart pendant hanging loosely from it.

„You ... you fixed it." Taehyung nodded, smiling weakly when he saw the tears only continue to fall.

„Why're you crying? Don't cry." Kook shook his head, not able to answer as he pulled Taehyung into his arms, curled up in his radiating warmth. „I love you, baby." The words echoed in his ears whilst cheers sounded around them, the floor cleared so that only the two stood in serene comfort.

From afar, Sohyun stood with her back to the wall, head resting against the archway with pools of emotion in her eyes, watching her grown up son hold onto the boy he loved so tight. Nobody in the room cared that this was a so called act of obscenity; these two misfits had found love, and it was all that mattered.

„He's grown up." Murmured a deep voice beside Sohyun, she turned to see her husband who too was watching their only child kiss his boyfriend tenderly as they danced to the remnant of the song.

„He really has. Our beautiful boy." She admitted, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear before turning to see Shiwoo still staring fondly at her. „Why do you look so lovesick tonight?" She slight gasped in surprise when her husband pulled her closer, a mirrored action of their son and his partner.

„We stopped doing this when he left. You were never ... happy. You lost that spark in your eyes." He smiled, cupping his wife's cheeks as he kissed the tip of her nose. „But I see it now."

„Stop this nonsense and dance with me."

„Yes ma'am," Smirked Shiwoo, taking his wife's hand and leading her to the centre, winking at Taehyung who pulled Kook closer and grinned back. The boy looked shocked at the sudden possessive act, lifting his head to see the dominance in his eyes. He went to give a snarky response, but grew stiff when a cold hand touched his thigh.

It wasn't Taehyung.

Taehyung's hands were warm, and held his hips firmly. This feeling was like ice, seeping through the cloth of his jeans and freezing his skin. The hand did not move and Kook couldn't bring himself to look back with the fear that it would be him. Of course it was him, who else would it be?

„You've gone all stiff." Taehyung commented, loosening his grip to stare down into Kook's eyes. Fear. „Hey, what happened?"

„I ... I think I need to use the bathroom." He said unconvincingly, pulling away and briefly looking back to see the same man standing by the door, watching his every move.

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