Rejected? Whatever! Introduction

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This is just an introduction/ author's note!

It's currently being RECONSTRUCTED. It is recommended that you wait until I am finished to start reading, as I am going to edit and change everything chapter by chapter. There is a huge chance that it will not make sense until I am finished editing. I suggest you just leave it in your library for now. :)

About Rejected? Whatever!

It's a werewolf book.

I tend to stick to the traditional wolf changling rather than lycans or making up my own rules.

This is definitely a woman scorned type of book.

Mikayla, the main character, starts out as an innocent little girl, but when her soul mate rejects her, she runs away and turns into a psychopathic killer basically.

Cute, right?

That is what makes Rejected? Whatever! unique. Mikayla's blood lust. Her ability to take a life with out hesitation or remorse.

I got the idea while reading a cliche mate rejection story. I started thinking 'what if she is already mated when she comes back?' 'What if she becomes part of a rogue pack?' 'What if her mate isn't totally sane either?' ETC


Rejected? Whatever! was born.

This book should be completed by the end of June. (Edit: It was completed June 22, 2014)

After that I'll be editing it straight away.

And then After that, I'll be done with it.

I'm going to finish it and then leave it alone. Which is hard for a perfectionist like me to do... (Edit: Annnnd it's 2017 and I'm rewriting it)

Votes give me motivation.

Comments give me inspiration.

Happy Reading!

Anubis xx

Rejected? Whatever. (UNDER MAJOR CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now