I'm so sorry

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Does anyone remember when I first started WP and my first books were  called "Fnaf and Ninjago" and "Random Senarios"? 

I am so sorry for having you read that. 

I am so glad I decided to delete those books all together. Seriously, those books were a cringe fest. My old writing style was so fucking bad. I left out ALOT of details.

Thank god I'm out of that phase. 

My stories now are still crap, but at least they're alot better than those old ones!

Hope everyone bleached their brains after reading the chapters in those books. And if you didn't read those stories or just found about it now, you're lucky.

Some more important news: I'm thinking about discontinuing Stay Strong Lloyd and NinjaTale.

I mean, the idea behind the books are good, it's just, I lost interest in writing those books. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE those AUs (I mean, I did sorta create one of them) I just think that they would be better in someone elses hands, ya know? 

If someone wants to continue the stories, DM me and I'll let you. Heck, you can even re write the whole story if you like. I don't mind. I'll even send you the covers.

And my Reactions to Ships book? Not gonna get discontinued, just need some more ships to react to.

Thats all. DM me if you want to take over SSL and NT. 


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